Math / Tables | ||
Ma 1 | Abramowitz, Stegun | Handbook of Mathematical Functions |
Ma 2 | Gradshteyn, Ryzhik, Jeffrey | Table of Integrals, Series, and Products |
Ma 3 | Gradshteyn / Ryzhik | Tables of Integrals, Series, and Products. Corrected and enlarged edition |
Ma 4 | Morse, Fesbach | Methods of Theoretical Physics - Part I |
Ma 5 | Morse, Fesbach | Methods of Theoretical Physics - Part II |
Ma 6 | Watson | A treatise on the theory of Besel functions |
Ma 7 | Press et al. (eds.) | Numerical Recipes in Fortran. The Art of Scientific Computing |
Ma 8 | Schwarze | Mathematik für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler. Band 3: Lineare Algebra und Lineare Programmierung |
Ma 9 | Nieswandt | Operations Research |
Ma 10 | Gradshteyn, Ryzhik, Jeffrey | Table of Integrals, Series, and Products, 5th ed. CD-ROM version 1.0 |
Ma 11 | Golub, van Loan | Matrix Computations, 3rd ed. |
Ma 12 | Bronstein, Semendjajew, Musiol, Mühlig | Taschenbuch der Mathematik |
Symmetry | ||
Sy 1 | Wigner | Group Theory and its Application to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra |
Sy 2 | Varshalovich et al. | Quantum Theory of Angular Momentum |
Sy 3 | Tinkham | Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (Int. Series in Pure and Applied Physics) |
Sy 4 | Cornwell | Selected Topics in Solid State Physics. Group Theory and Electr.Energy Bands in Solids - Vol.X |
Sy 5 | Bradley, Cracknell | The Mathematical Theory of Symmetry in Solids |
Sy 6 | Hahn | International Tables for Crystallography. Space-Group Symmetry, Vol. A |
Sy 7 | Gillespie | Molekülgeometrie. Elektronenpaar-Abstoßung u. molekulare Struktur |
Sy 8 | Tinkham | Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics (Int. Series in Pure and Applied Physics) |
Sy 9 |
Nye |
Properties of Crystals (photocopy) |
Physics Textbooks | ||
Ph 1 | Landau | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik |
Ph 2 | Jackson | Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd edition |
Ph 3 | Feynman | The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. I |
Ph 4 | Feynman | The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. II |
Ph 5 | Feynman | The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol. III |
Ph 6 | Messiah | Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 1 |
Ph 7 | Messiah | Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 2 |
Ph 8 | Schiff | Quantum Mechanics, 3rd ed. |
Ph 9 | Fick | Einführung in die Grundlagen der Quantentheorie |
Ph 10 | Eisberg, Resnick | Quantum Physics |
Ph 11 | Condon, Shortley | The Theory of Atomic Spectra |
Ph 12 | Economou | Green's Functions in Quantum Physics |
Ph 13 | Zubarev | Nonequilibrium Statistical Thermodynamics. Studies in Soviet Science |
Ph 14 | Landau/Lifschitz | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik. I Mechanik |
Ph 15 | Landau/Lifschitz | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik. II Klassische Feldtheorie |
Ph 16 | Landau/Lifschitz | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik. III Quantenmechanik |
Ph 17 | Landau/Lifschitz | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik. III Quantenmechanik |
Ph 18 | Landau/Lifschitz | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik. IVa Relativistische Quantentheorie |
Ph 19 | Landau/Lifschitz | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik. V Statistische Physik |
Ph 20 | Landau/Lifschitz | Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik. VI Hydrodynamik |
Ph 21 | Fetter | Quantum Theory of Many-Particle Systems |
Ph 22 | Mahan | Many-Particle Physics |
Ph 23 | Pauling | The Nature of the Chemical Bond |
Ph 24 | Ma | Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena |
Ph 25 | Jensen | Self-Organized Criticality |
Ph 26 | Doniach/Sondheimer | Green's Functions for Solid State Physicists |
Ph 27 | Gillespie | Markov Processes |
Ph 28 | Grimvall | Thermophysical Properties of Materials |
Ph 29 | Allen/Tidesley | Computer Simulation of Liquids |
Ph 30 | Mahan | Many-Particle Physics, 3rd ed. |
Ph 31 | Kadanoff | Statistical Physics: Statics, Dynamics and Renormalization |
Ph 32 | Harrison | Applied Quantum Mechanics |
Ph 33 | Hewson | The Kondo Problem to Heavy Fermions |
Solid state physics | ||
Ss 1 | Ashcroft, Mermin | Solid State Physics |
Ss 2 | Kittel | Introduction to Solid State Physics |
Ss 3 | Fulde | Electron Correlations in Molecules and Solids, 3e |
Ss 4 | Slater | Insulaters, Semiconductors and Metals. Quantum Theory of Molecules and Solids, Vol. 3 |
Ss 5 | Slater | The Self-consistent Field for Molecules and Solids. Quantum Theory of Molecules and Solids, Vol. 4 |
Ss 6 | Jones, March | Theoretical Solid State Physics. Perfect Lattices in Equilibrium, Vol. 1 |
Ss 7 | Jones, March | Theoretical Solid State Physics. Non-equilibrium and Disorder, Vol. 2 |
Ss 8 | Callaway | Quantum Theory of the Solid State - Part A |
Ss 9 | Callaway | Quantum Theory of the Solid State - Part B |
Ss 10 | Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 1 |
Ss 11 | Maradudin, Montroll, Weiss, Ipatova | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 3 |
Ss 12 | Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 12 |
Ss 13 | White, Geballe | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 15 |
Ss 14 | Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 16 |
Ss 15 | Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 17 |
Ss 16 | Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 18 |
Ss 17 | Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 19 |
Ss 18 | Seitz, Turnbull, Ehrenreich | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 20 |
Ss 19 | Seitz, Turnbull, Ehrenreich | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 22 |
Ss 20 | Ehrenreich, Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 24 |
Ss 21 | Ehrenreich, Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 24 |
Ss 22 | Ehrenreich, Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 25 |
Ss 23 | Ehrenreich, Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 26 |
Ss 24 | Ehrenreich, Seitz, Turnbull | Advances in Research & Applications, Vol. 31 |
Ss 25 | Schilling, Shelton | Physics of solids under high pressure |
Ss 26 | Wachter | Intermediate Valence and Heavy Fermions |
Ss 27 | Hanke, Kopaev | Modern Problems in Condensed Matter Sciences, Vol.31: Electronic Phase Transitions |
Ss 28 | Andersen | Electronic structure of Metals. Lecture Notes 1977 / 78 |
Ss 29 | Harrison | Elementary Electronic Structure |
Ss 30/1 | Dreyssé (ed.) | Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of Solids: The Uses of the LMTO method |
Ss 30/2 | Dreyssé (ed.) | Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of Solids: The Uses of the LMTO method |
Ss 31 | FZ Jülich | Femtosekunden und Nano-eV: Dynamik in kondensierter Materie (Vorlesungs-MS) |
Ss 32 | Essler, Frahm, Göhmann, Klümper, Korepin | The One-Dimensional Hubbard Model |
Methods / DFT | ||
Me 1 | Skriver | The LMTO Method |
Me 2 | Skriver | The LMTO Method |
Me 3 | Dreizler, Gross | Density Functional Theory |
Me 4 | Colombo, Gonis, Turchi (eds.) | Tight-Binding Approach to Computational Materials Science (MRS Symposia Proceedings No. 491) |
Me 5 | Yusouff | Lecture Notes in Physics. Electronic Band Structure and its Applications (Kanpur Proceedings |
Me 6 | Michael Springborg (ed.) | Density-functional methods in chemistry and materials science |
Me 7 | Kumar, O. K. Andersen, Mookerjee (eds.) | Lectures on Methods of Electronic Structure Calculations (ICTP Trieste 1992) |
Me 8 | Schaefer | Methods of Electronic Structure, from: Modern theoretical Chemistry, Vol. 3 |
Me 9 | Katsnelson, Stepanyuk, Szász, Farberovich | Computational Methods in Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure |
Me 10 | Schaefer | Methods of Electronic Structure, from: Modern theoretical Chemistry, Vol. 4 |
Me 11 | Turek et al. | Electronic structure of disordered alloys, surfaces and interfaces |
Me 12 | Vitek et al. (eds.) | Atomistic Simulation of Materials Beyond Pair Potentials |
Me 13 | Butler, Dederichs, et al. (eds.) | Applications of Multiple Scattering Theory to Materials Science (Boston Symposium, Dec. 1991) |
Me 14 | Nemoshkalenko, Antonov | Computational Methods in Solid State Physics |
Me 15 | Turek et al. | Electronic structure of disordered alloys, surfaces and interfaces |
Me 16 | Binder (ed.) | The Monte Carlo Method in Condensed Matter Physics |
Me 17 | Binder / Heermann | Monte Carlo Simulation in Statistical Physics |
Me 18 | Heermann | Computer Simulation Methods in Theoretical Physics |
Me 19 | Kalos, Whitlock | Monte Carlo Methods, vol. I: Basics |
Me 20 | Vesely | Computational Physics: An Introduction |
Me 21 | Youssouf (ed.) | Electronic Band Structure and Its Applications |
Me 22 | Scheffler/Weinberger (eds.) | Walter Kohn: Personal Stories and Anecdotes Told by Friends and Collaborators |
Me 23 | Vitos | Computational Quantum Mechanics for Materials Engineers |
Me 24 | Eyert | The Augmented Spherical Wave Method |
Metals | ||
Mt 1 | Moruzzi, Janak, Willliams | Calculated Electronic Properties of Metals |
Mt 2 | Oppeneer, Kübler (eds.) | Intern. Conference on the Physics of Transition Metals, vol. 1 |
Mt 3 | Oppeneer, Kübler (eds.) | Intern. Conference on the Physics of Transition Metals, vol. 1 |
Mt 4 | Oppeneer, Kübler (eds.) | Intern. Conference on the Physics of Transition Metals, vol. 2 |
Mt 5 | Oppeneer, Kübler (eds.) | Intern. Conference on the Physics of Transition Metals, vol. 2 |
Mt 6 | Kanamori et al. (eds.) | Intern. Conference on the Physics of Transition Metals (Yamada Conference XLV) |
Mt 7 |
Gunnarsson |
Fullerides |
Semiconductors | ||
Se 1 | Stumpf | Quantum Processes in Polar Semiconductors and Insulators, Part I |
Se 2 | Stumpf | Quantum Processes in Polar Semiconductors and Insulators, Part II |
Se 3 | Brodsky | Amorphous Semiconductors. Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 36 |
Se 4 | Averous (ed.) | Physics of Semiconductors - Part I (Physics of the 16th Internat. Conf., Montpellier) |
Se 5 | Averous (ed.) | Physics of Semiconductors - Part II (Physics of the 16th Internat. Conf., Montpellier) |
Se 6 | Tanaka et al. (eds.) | 15. Intern. Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Kyoto 1980 |
Other Materials | ||
Om 1 | Stephens | Physics & Chemistry of Fullerenes |
Om 2 | Kuzmany, Fink, et al. (eds.) | Electronic Properties of Fullerenes |
Om 3 | Forschungszentrum Jülich | Soft Matter. Complex Materials on Mesoscopic Scales |
Om 4 | Maekawa, Tohyama, Barnes, Ishihara, Koshibae, Khaliullin | Physics of Transition Metal Oxides |
Surfaces / Interfaces | ||
Su 1 | Dobrzynski | Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces - Vol. 1 |
Su 2 | Dobrzynski | Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces - Vol. 2 |
Su 3 | Maradudin, Wallis, Dobrzynski | Handbook of Surfaces and Interfaces - Vol. 3 |
Su 4 | Mookerjee/Sarma (eds.) | Electronic Structure of Alloys, Surfaces and Clusters |
Magnetism | ||
Mg 1 | Jensen, Mackintosh | Rare Earth Magnetism |
Mg 2 | Schep | Electrical Transport in Metallic Magnetic Multilayers |
Mg 3 | Gijs, Bauer | Perpendicular giant magnetoresistance of magnetic multilayers. In: Advances in Physics, 1997, vol 46, No. 3/ 4, 285-445 |
Mg 4 | Troc et al. (eds.) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetism, Warsaw 1994, vol 1 |
Mg 5 | Troc et al. (eds.) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetism, Warsaw 1994, vol 2 |
Mg 6 | Troc et al. (eds.) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Magnetism, Warsaw 1994, vol 3 |
Mg 7 | Auerbach | Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism |
Mg 8 | Beaurepaire, Bulou, Scheurer, Kappler | Magnetism: A Synchrotron Radiation Approach |
Superconductivity | ||
Sc 1 | Schrieffer | Theory of Superconductivity, Frontiers in Physics - Lecture Note Series |
Sc 2 | Tinkham | Introduction to Superconductivity, 2e |
Sc 3 | Parks (ed.) | Superconductivity (vol. 1) |
Sc 4 | Parks (ed.) | Superconductivity (vol. 2) |
Sc 5 | Plakida | High-Temperature Superconductivity. Experiment and Theory |
Sc 6 | Anderson | Theory of Superconductivity in the High-TC Cuprates |
Sc 7 | Ginsberg | Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors I |
Sc 8 | Ginsberg | Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors II |
Sc 9 | Ginsberg | Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors III |
Sc 10 | Ginsberg | Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors IV |
Sc 11 | Ginsberg (ed.) | Physical Properties of High Temperature Superconductors V |
Sc 12 | Müller, Olsen | High Temperature Superconductors and Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity, Part II |
Sc 13 | Bar-Yam, Egami et al. (eds.) | Lattice Effects in High-Tc Superconductors (Santa Fe Conference Proceedings) |
Sc 14 | Gan, Xie, Zhao (eds.) | Proc. of the Beijing Internat. Conference on High-Temperature Superconductivity (BHTSC '92) |
Sc 15 | Barnes, Ashkenazi, Cohn, Zuo (eds.) | High Temperature Superconductivity (Coral Gables 1999 Proceedings) |
Sc 16 | Tunstall/Barford (eds.) | High Temperature Superconductivity |
Spectroscopy | ||
Sp 1 | Cardona | Light Scattering in Solids I: Introductory Concepts (Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 8) |
Sp 2 | Cardona, Güntherodt | Light Scattering in Solids II: Basic Concepts and Instrumentation (Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 50) |
Sp 3 | Cardona, Güntherodt | Light Scattering in Solids III: Recent Results (Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 51) |
Sp 4 | Cardona, Güntherodt | Light Scattering in Solids IV: Electronic Scattering, Spin Effects, SERS,and Morphic Effects (Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 54) |
Sp 5 | Cardona, Güntherodt | Light Scattering in Solids V: Superlattices and Other Microstructures (Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. 66) |
Sp 6 | Cardona, Güntherodt | Light Scattering in Solids VI (Topics in Applied Physics, Vol. ) |
Sp 7 | Kiefer, Cardona, et al. (eds.) | Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Raman Spectroscopy, Würzburg, August 1992 |
Sp 8 | Ruf, Zegenhagen, Bernhard, Syassen (eds.) | Proceedings of the International Conference on Solid State Spectroscopy, Schwäbisch Gmünd, September 1999 |
Sp 9 | Antonov, Harmon, Yaresko | Electronic Structure and Magneto-Optical Properties of Solids |
Dissertations | ||
Di 1 | Dronskowski | Kondensierte Cluster in Oxiden und Arseniden des Molybdäns (1990) |
Di 2 | Koch | Superschalen in Metallclusters: Selbstkonsistente Rechnungen und ihre semiklassische Interpretation (1995) |
Di 3 | Kumm | LMTO-ASA Potentialparameter für das periodische System und ihre Anwendung bei der Abschätzung von Bandstrukturen und Verbindungen (1993) |
Di 4 | König | Absorption polarisierter Röntgenstrahlung als Probe lokaler Festkörpereigenschaften (1996) |
Di 5 | Friedl | Ramanspektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Elektron-Phonon-Wechselwirkung in Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern des Typs YBa2Cu3O7-delta (1992) |
Di 6 | Liu | Ramanstreuung an Hoch-Tc-Supraleitern (1990) |
Di 7 | Schönberger | Rechnungen zur Struktur und elektronischen Struktur von Metall-Metalloxid-Grenzflächen mit der LMTO-Methode (1993) |
Di 8 | Heyen | Untersuchung der elektronischen Struktur, der spraleitenden Bandlücken sowie der Elektron-Phonon-Kopplung in Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern unter Verwendung der Ramanstreuung (1991) |
Di 9 | Kircher | Ellipsometrische Untersuchungen zum elektronischen Normalzustand der Yttrium-Barium-Cuprate (1992) |
Di 10 | Blöchl | Gesamtenergien, Kräfte und Metall-Halbleiter-Grenzflächen (1989) |
Di 11 | Gumbsch | Atomistische Modellierung zweidimensionaler Defekte in Metallen: Risse, Phasengrenzflächen |
Di 12 | Krier | Zur Dynamik von Spinanregungen und von geladenen Leerstellen in einem erweiterten t-J Modell |
Di 13 | Meregalli | Electron-Phonon Coupling and Properties of Doped BaBiO3 |
Di 14 | Zijlstra | Electronic Properties of Quasicrystals - A Tight-Binding Study |
Di 15 | Rösch | Electron-phonon interaction in strongly correlated materials |
Di 16 | Zurek | Density Functional Theory (DFT) Studies of Solids and Molecules |
Computer Handbooks | ||
Cp 1 | Adams et al. (eds.) | Fortran 95 Handbook |
Cp 2 | Lamport | LATEX. User's Guide |
Cp 3 | Kopka | LATEX - Eine Einführung |
Cp 4 | Kopka | LATEX - Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten |
Cp 5 | Knuth | The TEXbook |
Cp 6 | Press et al. (eds.) | Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN. The Art of Scientific Computing |
Cp 7 | Stinson, Andrews | Running Window, Second Edition, Version 3 |
Cp 8 | Char, Geddes et al. | First Leaves: A Tutorial introduction to Maple V |
Cp 9 | Wang | An Introduction to ANSI C on UNIX |
Cp 10 | Stroustrup | The C++ Programming Language |
Cp 11 | Metcalf, Reid | Fortran 90/95 explained. 2nd ed. |
Cp 12 | Gilly et al. | UNIX in a nutshell |
Cp 13 | (Adobe) | PostScript Language Reference Manual |
Cp 14 | Anderson et al. | LAPACK Users' Guide |
Cp 15 | Prata / Martin | The Waite Group's UNIX® System V Bible: Commands and Utilities |
Books in Japanese | ||
Kittel | Introduction to Solid State Physics I + II | |
Siba | Electrons in Solids | |
Anderson | Basic Notions of Condensed Matter Theory | |
Hideo Aoki | Ferromagnetism | |
Feynman, Hibbs | Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals | |
Takada | Manybody Theory | |
Yosida | Magnetism | |
Fetter, Walecka | Quantum Theory of Manyparticle Systems | |
Nagaosa | Quantum Field Theory in Condensed Matter | |
Kuroki | Superconductivity I + II | |
Yosioka | Quantum Hall Effect I + II | |
Nakagima | Fractional Quantum Hall Effect | |
Ishida | Introduction to Algebra | |
Fujiwara | Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics | |
Iri | Introduction to Tensor Analysis | |
Iri | Vector Analysis | |
Sato | Group Theory and Physics | |
Hanamura | Solid State Physics | |
Arima | Complex Function Theory | |
Saito | Introduction to Linear Algebra Theory | |
Tanabe | Partial Differential Eq. and Fourrier Anal. | |
Goto | Exercises in Mathematics | |
Abe | Statistical Machanics | |
Nagaosa | Field Theory of El. Correlations | |
Sunagawa | Theory of Electro-Weak Magnetism | |
Hiragama | Handbook of Syntezising Organic Crysiats | |
Shiba | Physics of Correlated Electrons | |
Schwartz, Christiansen | Perl | |
Haruhiko | Latex2 | |
Fortran 95, C and Java | ||
Abrikosov, Gorkov, ... | Methods of Quantum Field Theory in ... | |
Fujiwara | Electronic Structure in Solids | |
Kubo | Thermodynamic and Statistical Mechanics | |
Tsuda et al. | Electronic Conduction in Oxides | |
Pal, Young | Density Functional Theory of Atoms and Molecules | |
Adachi | Magnetism of Compounds: Itinerate Electron Systems | |
Adachi | Magnetism of Compounds: Localized Spin Systems | |
Schiff | Quantum Machanics I + II |