
Scopus from Elsevier is a new multidisciplinary database including citation searching and therefore a competitor to Web of Science from Thomson Reuters. Please find extensive documentation by Elsevier:

Advantage of Scopus

Drawback of Scopus


Scopus is a new multidiciplinary database with extended coverage. Please keep in mind that the field specific databases, however, basically cover even more primary sources.

Check Scopus as primary source for your daily work. In particular if your are working in a field where the follwing points are important:

Dr. Robin Haunschild
Phone: 0711/689-1285

Dr. Hermann Schier
Phone: 0711/689-1284

Dr. Werner Marx
Information Service
Max Planck Institute
for Solid State Research
Heisenbergstr. 1
D-70569 Stuttgart
FAX: 0711/689-1292

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