Rietveld G., Glastra M., Verbrugh S. M., Jepsen O., Anderson O. K., Vandermarel D.
Delft Univ Technol Fac Appl Phys Lorentzweg 1 2628 Cj Delft Netherlands
We have measured the XPS and Auger spectra of oxygen in La2CuO4. The experimental XPS and Auger data are compared to fully linearized muffin tin orbital (FLMTO) bandstructure calculations of the valence density of states and the core level shifts. An extended version of Sawatzky-Cini theory for the Auger line shape is used to include multiplet structure of the Auger final states for the point symmetries of the two inequivalent oxygen sites. Experimentally no significant anisotropy is found for the planar and apical oxygen 1s core levels nor for the two-hole spectral function as determined with AES, in contrast with bandstructure calculations.
Physica C, 185-189 829-830, 1991.
Max-Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung; Postfach 80 06 65 D-70506 Stuttgart |