subroutine add_ilut_lists(ndets_1, ndets_2, sorted_lists, list_1, list_2, list_out, &
ndets_out, prefactor)
! WARNING 1: This routine assumes that both list_1 and list_2 contain no
! repeated iluts, even if one of the repeated iluts has zero amplitude.
! WARNING 2: If the input lists are not sorted (as defined by ilut_gt)
! then sorted_lists should be input as .false., and the lists will then
! be sorted. This routine will not work if unsorted lists are passed in
! and sorted_list is input as .true.
integer, intent(in) :: ndets_1
integer, intent(in) :: ndets_2
logical, intent(in) :: sorted_lists
integer(n_int), intent(inout) :: list_1(0:, 1:)
integer(n_int), intent(inout) :: list_2(0:, 1:)
integer(n_int), intent(inout) :: list_out(0:, 1:)
integer, intent(out) :: ndets_out
real(dp), intent(in), optional :: prefactor
integer :: i, pos, min_ind
real(dp) :: sign_1(lenof_sign), sign_2(lenof_sign), sign_out(lenof_sign)
real(dp) :: prefactor_
def_default(prefactor_, prefactor, 1.0_dp)
if (.not. sorted_lists) then
write(stdout, *) lbound(list_1, 1), ubound(list_1, 1), lbound(list_2, 1), ubound(list_2, 1)
call neci_flush(stdout)
call sort(list_1(:, 1:ndets_1), ilut_lt, ilut_gt)
call sort(list_2(:, 1:ndets_2), ilut_lt, ilut_gt)
end if
ndets_out = 0
! Where to start searching from in list 1:
min_ind = 1
do i = 1, ndets_2
! If list_2(:,i) is in list 1 then pos will equal the position it
! occupies in list 1.
! If list_2(:,i) is not in list 1 then -pos will equal the position
! that it should go in, to mantain the sorted ordering.
pos = binary_search_custom(list_1(:, min_ind:ndets_1), list_2(:, i), niftot, ilut_gt)
if (pos > 0) then
! Move all the states from list 1 before min_ind+pos-1 across
! to the combined list.
list_out(:, ndets_out + 1:ndets_out + pos - 1) = list_1(:, min_ind:min_ind + pos - 2)
ndets_out = ndets_out + pos - 1
ndets_out = ndets_out + 1
call extract_sign(list_1(:, min_ind + pos - 1), sign_1)
call extract_sign(list_2(:, i), sign_2)
sign_out = sign_1 + prefactor_ * sign_2
list_out(:, ndets_out) = list_2(:, i)
call encode_sign(list_out(:, ndets_out), sign_out)
! Search a smaller section of list_1 next time.
min_ind = min_ind + pos
! We have a state in list 2 which is not in list 1. Its
! position, if it were in list 1 would be min_ind-pos-1. Thus,
! first copy across all states from min_ind to min_ind-pos-2
! from list 1. Then copy across the state from list 2.
list_out(:, ndets_out + 1:ndets_out - pos - 1) = list_1(:, min_ind:min_ind - pos - 2)
ndets_out = ndets_out - pos
list_out(:, ndets_out) = list_2(:, i)
call extract_sign(list_out(:, ndets_out), sign_2)
call encode_sign(list_out(:, ndets_out), sign_2 * prefactor_)
! Search a smaller section of list_1 next time.
min_ind = min_ind - pos - 1
end if
end do
end subroutine add_ilut_lists