subroutine adjust_nRefs()
! update the number of SIs used
use adi_data, only: targetRefPopTol, tSingleSteps
use FciMCData, only: AllNoatHF
implicit none
real(dp) :: cAllNoatHF
integer :: nRefsOld
if (tVariableNRef) then
nRefsOld = nRefs
! average reference population
cAllNoatHF = sum(AllNoatHF) / inum_runs
! check if we reached the destination
if (abs(targetRefPop - cAllNoatHF) < targetRefPopTol) return
if (tSingleSteps) then
if (cAllNoatHF < targetRefPop) then
! we cannot go below 0 SIs, if we hit 0, disable the adi option
if (nRefs > 1) then
nRefs = nRefs - 1
! might change the behaviour here, to whatever makes sense
tAdiActive = .false.
end if
end if
if (cAllNoatHF > targetRefPop) nRefs = nRefs + 1
tSingleSteps = .false.
! do the extrapolationx
nRefs = guess_target_nref()
end if
! store the current values for the next step
lastAllNoatHF = cAllNoatHF
lastNRefs = nRefsOld
write(stdout, *) "Now at ", nRefs, " superinitiators"
end if
end subroutine adjust_nRefs