AreSameSpatialOrb Function

public function AreSameSpatialOrb(i, j)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: i
integer :: j

Return Value logical


Source Code

Source Code

    logical function AreSameSpatialOrb(i, j)
        ! Test whether spin orbitals i and j are from the same spatial orbital.
        ! Returns true if i and j are the *same* spin orbital or are the alpha
        ! and beta spin orbitals of the same spatial orbital.
        integer :: i, j
        integer :: a, b
        AreSameSpatialOrb = .false.
        if (i == j) then
            AreSameSpatialOrb = .true.
            a = min(i, j)
            b = max(i, j)
            if (G1(a)%Ms == -1 .and. b - a == 1) then
                ! a is the alpha and b is the beta of the same spatial orbital.
                AreSameSpatialOrb = .true.
            end if
        end if
    end function AreSameSpatialOrb