BinSearchParts2 Subroutine

public subroutine BinSearchParts2(iLut, MinInd, MaxInd, PartInd, tSuccess)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer(kind=n_int) :: iLut(0:NIfTot)
integer :: MinInd
integer :: MaxInd
integer :: PartInd
logical :: tSuccess


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine BinSearchParts2(iLut, MinInd, MaxInd, PartInd, tSuccess)

        use DetCalcData, only: FCIDets
        use DetBitOps, only: DetBitLT
        use constants, only: n_int

        INTEGER :: MinInd, MaxInd, PartInd
        INTEGER(KIND=n_int) :: iLut(0:NIfTot)
        INTEGER :: i, j, N, Comp
        LOGICAL :: tSuccess

        i = MinInd
        j = MaxInd
        IF (i - j == 0) THEN
            Comp = DetBitLT(FCIDets(:, MaxInd), iLut(:), nifd)
            IF (Comp == 0) THEN
                tSuccess = .true.
                PartInd = MaxInd
                tSuccess = .false.
                PartInd = MinInd
            end if
        end if
        do while (j - i > 0)  !End when the upper and lower bound are the same.
            N = (i + j) / 2       !Find the midpoint of the two indices
            !        write(iout,*) i,j,n

            ! Comp is 1 if CyrrebtDets(N) is "less" than iLut, and -1 if it is
            ! more or 0 if they are the same
            Comp = DetBitLT(FCIDets(:, N), iLut(:), nifd)

            IF (Comp == 0) THEN
                !Praise the lord, we've found it!
                tSuccess = .true.
                PartInd = N
            else if ((Comp == 1) .and. (i /= N)) THEN
                ! The value of the determinant at N is LESS than the determinant
                ! we're looking for. Therefore, move the lower bound of the
                ! search up to N. However, if the lower bound is already equal to
                ! N then the two bounds are consecutive and we have failed...
                i = N
            else if (i == N) THEN

                IF (i == MaxInd - 1) THEN
                    ! This deals with the case where we are interested in the
                    ! final/first entry in the list. Check the final entry of the
                    ! list and leave. We need to check the last index.
                    Comp = DetBitLT(FCIDets(:, i + 1), iLut(:), nifd)
                    IF (Comp == 0) THEN
                        tSuccess = .true.
                        PartInd = i + 1
                    else if (Comp == 1) THEN
                        !final entry is less than the one we want.
                        tSuccess = .false.
                        PartInd = i + 1
                        tSuccess = .false.
                        PartInd = i
                    end if

                else if (i == MinInd) THEN
                    tSuccess = .false.
                    PartInd = i
                    i = j
                end if

            else if (Comp == -1) THEN
                !The value of the determinant at N is MORE than the determinant we're looking for. Move the upper bound of the search down to N.
                j = N
                !We have failed - exit loop
                i = j
            end if

        end do

        !If we have failed, then we want to find the index that is one less than where the particle would have been.
        tSuccess = .false.
        PartInd = MAX(MinInd, i - 1)

    end subroutine BinSearchParts2