function calc_n_double(n_orbs, n_alpha, n_beta) result(n_double)
! routine to calculate the number of determinants with different
! number of doubly occupied sites..
integer, intent(in) :: n_orbs, n_alpha, n_beta
integer, allocatable :: n_double(:)
#ifdef DEBUG_
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "calc_n_double"
real(dp) :: n_first
integer :: n_max, n_min, i
! the number of possible open shell determinants is:
! for the half-filled ms=0 case, it is how often we can distribute
! n/2 electrons in n orbitals (since the rest then gets filled up
! by the other spin electrons -> nchoosek(n, n/2)
! for ms/=0 but still at half-filling it i still the binomial
! coefficient of one spin-type
! off-half filling, we get more then one possible distribution of
! the electrons of the other spin for each distribution of the
! first spin type..
! so we get some product of binomial of the remaining possible
! distributions!
! todo: write those formulas up!
! todo: a way to create it would be like in my matlab code to
! create the heisenberg basis states.. there i even did it in
! a ordered fashion.
! the number of ways to distribute alpha spins on the lattice
! maybe the number of determinants with one double occupancy is
! also of interest.. (those are the single excitations from the
! fully open shell dets(in the case off-half-filling it could a
! single excitation can also lead to another fully-open-shell det, but
! these are already covered.
! one beta electron MUST reside in a orbital with a alpha spin (thats
! just nOccAlpha) and the rest (nOccBeta-1) is on an empty orbital
! just for the fun of it: i could calculate the size of each of
! those space(1 double occ, 2 double occ.. etc.
! only do that for less equal half-filling!
n_max = max(n_alpha, n_beta)
n_min = min(n_alpha, n_beta)
n_first = choose_i64(n_orbs, n_max)
allocate(n_double(n_min + 1))
do i = 0, n_min
n_double(i + 1) = int(n_first * choose_i64(n_max, i) * &
choose_i64(n_orbs - n_max, n_min - i))
end do
! make sure that the sum of basis states is the whole hilber space
ASSERT(sum(n_double) == choose_i64(n_orbs, n_alpha) * choose_i64(n_orbs, n_beta))
end function calc_n_double