calc_rdmbiasfac Subroutine

public subroutine calc_rdmbiasfac(p_spawn_rdmfac, p_gen, SignCurr, RDMBiasFacCurr)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: p_spawn_rdmfac
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: p_gen
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: SignCurr
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: RDMBiasFacCurr


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine calc_rdmbiasfac(p_spawn_rdmfac, p_gen, SignCurr, RDMBiasFacCurr)

        real(dp), intent(in) :: p_gen
        real(dp), intent(in) :: SignCurr
        real(dp), intent(out) :: RDMBiasFacCurr
        real(dp), intent(in) :: p_spawn_rdmfac
        real(dp) :: p_notlist_rdmfac, p_spawn, p_not_spawn, p_max_walktospawn
        character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'calc_rdmbiasfac'

        ! We eventually turn this real bias factor into an integer to be passed
        ! around with the spawned children and their parents - this only works
        ! with 64 bit at the moment.
        if (n_int == 4) call stop_all(t_r, 'The bias factor currently does not work with 32 bit integers.')

        ! Otherwise calculate the 'sign' of Di we are eventually going to add
        ! in as Di.Dj. Because we only add in Di.Dj when we successfully spawn
        ! from Di.Dj, we need to unbias (scale up) Di by the probability of this
        ! happening. We need the probability that the determinant i, with
        ! population n_i, will spawn on j. We only consider one instance of a
        ! pair Di,Dj, so just want the probability of any of the n_i walkers
        ! spawning at least once on Dj.

        ! P_successful_spawn(j | i)[n_i] =  1 - P_not_spawn(j | i)[n_i]
        ! P_not_spawn(j | i )[n_i] is the probability of none of the n_i walkers spawning on j from i.
        ! This requires either not generating j, or generating j and not succesfully spawning, n_i times.
        ! P_not_spawn(j | i )[n_i] = [(1 - P_gen(j | i)) + ( P_gen( j | i ) * (1 - P_spawn(j | i))]^n_i

        p_notlist_rdmfac = (1.0_dp - p_gen) + (p_gen * (1.0_dp - p_spawn_rdmfac))

        ! The bias fac is now n_i / P_successful_spawn(j | i)[n_i].

        if (abs(real(int(SignCurr), dp) - SignCurr) > 1.0e-12_dp) then
            ! There's a non-integer population on this determinant. We need to
            ! consider both possibilities - whether we attempted to spawn
            ! int(SignCurr) times or int(SignCurr)+1 times.
            p_max_walktospawn = abs(SignCurr - real(int(SignCurr), dp))
            p_not_spawn = (1.0_dp - p_max_walktospawn) * (p_notlist_rdmfac**abs(int(SignCurr))) + &
                          p_max_walktospawn * (p_notlist_rdmfac**(abs(int(SignCurr)) + 1))

            p_not_spawn = p_notlist_rdmfac**(abs(SignCurr))
        end if

        p_spawn = abs(1.0_dp - p_not_spawn)

        ! Always use instantaneous signs for stochastically sampled off-diag
        ! elements (see CMO thesis).
        RDMBiasFacCurr = SignCurr / p_spawn

    end subroutine calc_rdmbiasfac