!Detemines the cell size for a given cutoff and lattice type
integer :: ii, jj, kk, EE
logical :: under_cutoff
if (real_lattice_type == "sc" .OR. dimen < 3) then
NMAXX = int(sqrt(orbEcutoff)) + 1
if (dimen > 1) NMAXY = int(sqrt(orbEcutoff)) + 1
if (dimen > 2) NMAXZ = int(sqrt(orbEcutoff)) + 1
else if (real_lattice_type == "bcc" .or. real_lattice_type == "fcc") then
! calculate needed cell size
ii = 0 ! ii is always positiv. jj varies from -ii to ii, kk from -|jj| to |jj|
under_cutoff = .true.
do while (ii <= int(orbEcutoff) .and. under_cutoff) !until no E < cutoff was found
under_cutoff = .false.
jj = -ii
do while (abs(jj) <= abs(ii) .and. .not. under_cutoff) !until E < cutoff is found or jj =ii
kk = -abs(jj)
do while (abs(kk) <= abs(jj) .and. .not. under_cutoff)!until E < cutoff is found or kk=jj
!calculate unscaled energy for ii, jj, kk
EE = (k_lattice_vectors(1, 1) * ii + k_lattice_vectors(2, 1) * jj + k_lattice_vectors(3, 1) * kk)**2
EE = EE + (k_lattice_vectors(1, 2) * ii + k_lattice_vectors(2, 2) * jj + k_lattice_vectors(3, 2) * kk)**2
EE = EE + (k_lattice_vectors(1, 3) * ii + k_lattice_vectors(2, 3) * jj + k_lattice_vectors(3, 3) * kk)**2
if (EE <= orbEcutoff) under_cutoff = .true.
kk = kk + 1
end do
jj = jj + 1
end do
ii = ii + 1
end do
NMAXX = ii!-1
NMAXY = ii!-1
NMAXZ = ii!-1
end if ! lattice type