CalcConstraints Subroutine

public subroutine CalcConstraints(CurrCoeff, Constraint, TotConstraints)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp) :: CurrCoeff(NoOrbs,NoOrbs)
real(kind=dp) :: Constraint(TotNoConstraints)
real(kind=dp) :: TotConstraints


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine CalcConstraints(CurrCoeff, Constraint, TotConstraints)

        ! This calculates the value of each orthonomalisation constraint, using the shifted coefficients.
        ! Each of these should tend to 0 when the coefficients become orthonomal.

        integer :: l, i, j
        HElement_t(dp) :: CurrCoeff(NoOrbs, NoOrbs)
        real(dp) :: TotConstraints, Constraint(TotNoConstraints)

        TotConstraints = 0.0_dp
        do l = 1, TotNoConstraints
            i = lab(1, l)
            j = lab(2, l)
            if (i == j) then
                Constraint(l) = Dot_Product(CurrCoeff(:, i), CurrCoeff(:, j)) - 1.0_dp
                Constraint(l) = Dot_Product(CurrCoeff(:, i), CurrCoeff(:, j))
                ! Each of these components should tend towards 0 when the coefficients become orthonormal.
            end if
            TotConstraints = TotConstraints + ABS(Constraint(l))
        end do

    end subroutine CalcConstraints