subroutine cc_hash_update(hash_table, hash_val, tgt, amp)
! routine to update the amplitude of a found entry
type(cc_hash), pointer, intent(inout) :: hash_table(:)
integer, intent(in) :: hash_val
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: tgt(:)
real(dp), intent(in) :: amp
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "cc_hash_update"
type(cc_hash), pointer :: temp_node
logical :: found
found = .false.
temp_node => hash_table(hash_val)
do while (associated(temp_node))
if (all(temp_node%ind == tgt)) then
! this is the correct entry!
found = .true.
temp_node%amp = temp_node%amp + amp
end if
temp_node => temp_node%next
end do
end subroutine cc_hash_update