CheckAllowedTruncSpawn Function

public function CheckAllowedTruncSpawn(WalkExcitLevel, nJ, ilutnJ, IC) result(bAllowed)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: WalkExcitLevel
integer, intent(in) :: nJ(nel)
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: ilutnJ(0:NIfTot)
integer, intent(in) :: IC

Return Value logical


Source Code

    function CheckAllowedTruncSpawn(WalkExcitLevel, nJ, ilutnJ, IC) &
        ! Under any currently applied truncation schemes, is an excitation to
        ! this determinant allowed?
        ! In:  WalkExcitLevel - Current excitation level relative to HF
        !      nJ             - Natural integer representation of det
        !                       (not Needed for HPHF/tTruncNOpen/MomInv)
        !      ilutnJ         - Bit representation of det
        !      IC             - Excitation level relative to parent
        ! Ret: bAllowed       - .true. if excitation is allowed

        use guga_data, only: ExcitationInformation_t
        use guga_bitrepops, only: find_guga_excit_lvl
        integer, intent(in) :: nJ(nel), WalkExcitLevel, IC
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutnJ(0:NIfTot)
        logical :: bAllowed

        integer :: NoInFrozenCore, MinVirt, ExcitLevel, i
        integer :: k(3)
        type(ExcitationInformation_t) :: excitInfo
#ifdef DEBUG_
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "CheckAllowedTruncSpawn"

        bAllowed = .true.

        ! Truncate space by excitation level
        if (tTruncSpace) then
            ! If parent walker is one below excitation cutoff, could be
            ! disallowed if double. If higher, then all excits could
            ! be disallowed. If HPHF, excit could be single or double,
            ! and IC not returned --> Always test.
            ! for 3-body excits we want to make this test more stringent
            if (tGUGA) then
                ! for now it only works with icilevel = 2
                ASSERT(icilevel == 2)
                ExcitLevel = find_guga_excit_lvl(ilutref(:,1), ilutnJ)
                if (ExcitLevel > icilevel) bAllowed = .false.

            else if (t_3_body_excits) then
                ExcitLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutHF, ilutnJ, ICILevel, .true.)

                if (ExcitLevel > ICILevel) bAllowed = .false.

            else if (tHPHF .or. WalkExcitLevel >= ICILevel .or. &
                     (WalkExcitLevel == (ICILevel - 1) .and. IC == 2)) then
                ExcitLevel = FindBitExcitLevel(iLutHF, ilutnJ, ICILevel, .true.)
                if (ExcitLevel > ICILevel) &
                    bAllowed = .false.
            end if
        end if

        ! Is the number of unpaired electrons too high?
        if (tTruncNOpen .and. bAllowed) then
            if (count_open_orbs(ilutnJ) > trunc_nopen_max) &
                bAllowed = .false.
        end if

        if (t_trunc_nopen_diff .and. bAllowed) then
            ! for now only implement it for single runs!
            if (abs(count_open_orbs(ilutnJ) - count_open_orbs(ilutRef(:, 1))) > trunc_nopen_diff) then
                bAllowed = .false.
            end if
        end if

        ! If the FCI space is restricted by a predetermined CAS space
        if (tTruncCAS .and. .not. tTruncInitiator .and. bAllowed) then
            if (.not. TestIfdetinCASBit(ilutnJ(0:NIfD))) &
                bAllowed = .false.
        end if

        ! Does the spawned determinant have more than the restricted number
        ! of holes in the partially frozen core?
        ! --> Run through the e- in nJ, count the number in the partially
        !     frozen core (i.e. with energy, from BRR, less than the frozen
        !     core limit). If too few, then forbidden.
        if (tPartFreezeCore .and. bAllowed) then
            NoInFrozenCore = 0
            bAllowed = .false.
            do i = 1, nel
                if (SpinInvBRR(nJ(i)) <= NPartFrozen) &
                    NoInFrozenCore = NoInFrozenCore + 1
                if (NoInFrozenCore == (NPartFrozen - NHolesFrozen)) then
                    bAllowed = .true.
                end if
            end do
        end if

        ! Does the spawned determinant have more than the restricted number
        ! of e- in the partially frozen virtual orbitals?
        ! --> Run through the e- in nJ, count the number in the partially
        !     frozen orbitals (i.e. with energy, from BRR, greater than
        !     minumum unfrozen virtual). If too many, then forbidden
        if (tPartFreezeVirt .and. bAllowed) then
            NoInFrozenCore = 0
            MinVirt = nBasis - NVirtPartFrozen
            ! BRR(i) = j: orbital i is the j-th lowest in energy
            do i = 1, nel
                if (SpinInvBRR(nJ(i)) > MinVirt) &
                    NoInFrozenCore = NoInFrozenCore + 1
                if (NoInFrozenCore > NElVirtFrozen) then
                    ! Too many e- in part-frozen orbs
                    bAllowed = .false.
                end if
            end do
        end if

        ! Check to see if UEG excitation is allowed, by summing kx, ky, kz
        ! over all the electrons
        if (tUEG .and. .not. tLatticeGens .and. bAllowed) then
            k = 0
            do i = 1, nel
                k = k + G1(nJ(i))%k
            end do
            if (.not. all(k == 0)) &
                bAllowed = .false.
        end if

    end function CheckAllowedTruncSpawn