subroutine create_cum_list_heisenberg(ilutI, src, neighbors, cum_arr, cum_sum, &
tgt, cpt)
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilutI(0:NIfTot)
integer, intent(in) :: src, neighbors(:)
real(dp), intent(out), allocatable :: cum_arr(:)
real(dp), intent(out) :: cum_sum
integer, intent(in), optional :: tgt
real(dp), intent(out), optional :: cpt
#ifdef DEBUG_
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "create_cum_list_heisenberg"
integer :: flip, i, temp_ex(2, maxExcit), nI(nel)
real(dp) :: elem
ASSERT(IsOcc(ilutI, src))
cum_arr = 0.0_dp
cum_sum = 0.0_dp
! for the heisenberg model, where we know that every site is singly
! occupied, we search for empty spin-orbital neighbors, to see if
! a spin-flip is possible! so we do not need to check for the type
! of spin of orbital src here!
! although for the matrix element i need the opposite spin!
! add the according flip to get the other spin!
! also use an excitation matrix array to effectively calculate the
! transcorrelation factor everywhere needed!
temp_ex(1, 1) = src
call decode_bit_det(nI, ilutI)
if (is_beta(src)) then
flip = +1
flip = -1
end if
! add the spinflipped
temp_ex(2, 1) = src + flip
if (present(tgt)) then
cpt = 0.0_dp
do i = 1, ubound(neighbors, 1)
elem = 0.0_dp
if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, neighbors(i))) then
temp_ex(1, 2) = neighbors(i) + flip
temp_ex(2, 2) = neighbors(i)
elem = abs(get_offdiag_helement_heisenberg(nI, temp_ex, .false.))
! elem = abs(get_heisenberg_exchange(src, neighbors(i)+flip))
end if
if (neighbors(i) == tgt) then
cpt = elem
end if
cum_sum = cum_sum + elem
end do
if (cum_sum < EPS) then
cpt = 0.0_dp
cpt = cpt / cum_sum
end if
do i = 1, ubound(neighbors, 1)
elem = 0.0_dp
if (IsNotOcc(ilutI, neighbors(i))) then
! this is a valid orbital to choose from
! but for the matrix element calculation, we need to
! have the opposite spin of the neighboring orbital!
temp_ex(1, 2) = neighbors(i) + flip
temp_ex(2, 2) = neighbors(i)
elem = abs(get_offdiag_helement_heisenberg(nI, temp_ex, .false.))
! elem = abs(get_heisenberg_exchange(src, neighbors(i)+flip))
end if
cum_sum = cum_sum + elem
cum_arr(i) = cum_sum
end do
end if
end subroutine create_cum_list_heisenberg