create_direct_ci_arrays Subroutine

public subroutine create_direct_ci_arrays(ras, classes, ras_strings, ras_iluts, ras_excit)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: classes(ras%num_classes)
integer, intent(out) :: ras_strings(-1:tot_nelec,ras%num_strings)
integer(kind=n_int), intent(out) :: ras_iluts(0:NIfD,ras%num_strings)
type(direct_ci_excit), intent(out) :: ras_excit(ras%num_strings)


Source Code

    subroutine create_direct_ci_arrays(ras, classes, ras_strings, ras_iluts, ras_excit)

        ! This routine should be used before perform_multiplication is called. It will
        ! create some arrays which will make this multiplication quicker.

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: classes(ras%num_classes)
        integer, intent(out) :: ras_strings(-1:tot_nelec, ras%num_strings)
        integer(n_int), intent(out) :: ras_iluts(0:NIfD, ras%num_strings)
        type(direct_ci_excit), intent(out) :: ras_excit(ras%num_strings)
        integer(n_int) :: ilut_i(0:NIfD)
        integer :: class_i, ind, new_ind, counter
        integer :: nras1, nras3, par, k
        integer :: ex(2)
        integer :: string_i(tot_nelec)
        logical :: none_left, tgen
        type(simple_excit_store), target :: gen_store_1

        ilut_i = 0_n_int

        ! Loop over all classes.
        do class_i = 1, ras%num_classes
            nras1 = classes(class_i)%nelec_1
            nras3 = classes(class_i)%nelec_3
            call generate_first_full_string(string_i, ras, classes(class_i))
            ! Loop over all strings.
                ind = classes(class_i)%address_map(get_address(classes(class_i), string_i))
                do k = 1, class_i - 1
                    ind = ind + classes(k)%class_size
                end do

                ! Store the string, along with the symmetry, RAS class and ilut.
                ras_strings(1:tot_nelec, ind) = string_i
                ras_strings(-1, ind) = get_abelian_sym(string_i)
                ras_strings(0, ind) = class_i
                call encode_string(string_i, ilut_i)
                ras_iluts(:, ind) = ilut_i

                ! Now count the number of excitations.
                counter = 0
                ! Initialise the excitation generator.
                tgen = .true.
                    call gen_next_single_ex(string_i, ilut_i, nras1, nras3, new_ind, par, &
                                            ex, ras, classes, gen_store_1, tgen, .true.)
                    if (tgen) exit
                    counter = counter + 1
                end do

                ! Store the number of excitations.
                ras_excit(ind)%nexcit = counter

                ! Now we know how many excitations there are, allocate the excitation array and store them.
                allocate(ras_excit(ind)%orbs(2, ras_excit(ind)%nexcit))

                counter = 0
                tgen = .true.
                    call gen_next_single_ex(string_i, ilut_i, nras1, nras3, new_ind, par, &
                                            ex, ras, classes, gen_store_1, tgen, .false.)
                    if (tgen) exit
                    counter = counter + 1
                    ! Store the index...
                    ras_excit(ind)%excit_ind(counter) = new_ind
                    ! ...and the parity of the excitation...
                    ras_excit(ind)%par(counter) = par
                    ! ...and the two orbitals involved in the excitation.
                    ras_excit(ind)%orbs(:, counter) = ex
                end do

                call generate_next_string(string_i, ras, classes(class_i), none_left)
                ! If no strings left in this class, then go to the next class.
                if (none_left) exit
            end do
        end do

    end subroutine create_direct_ci_arrays