create_ham_diag_direct_ci Subroutine

public subroutine create_ham_diag_direct_ci(ras, classes, ras_strings, ham_diag)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: classes(ras%num_classes)
integer, intent(in) :: ras_strings(-1:tot_nelec,ras%num_strings)
real(kind=dp), intent(inout) :: ham_diag(:)


Source Code

    subroutine create_ham_diag_direct_ci(ras, classes, ras_strings, ham_diag)

        ! The Davidson routine needs the Hamiltonian diagonal for the preconditioner.
        ! This routine creates and stores this array in the RAS space being used.

        use Determinants, only: get_helement
        use SystemData, only: nel

        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: classes(ras%num_classes)
        integer, intent(in) :: ras_strings(-1:tot_nelec, ras%num_strings)
        real(dp), intent(inout) :: ham_diag(:)
        integer :: class_i_ind, class_j_ind, sym_i_ind, sym_j_ind
        integer :: class_i, class_j, j, sym_i, sym_j
        integer :: ind_i, ind_j, full_ind_i, full_ind_j
        integer :: counter, k
        integer :: string_i(tot_nelec), string_j(tot_nelec), nI(nel)

        counter = 0

        ! Over all classes.
        do class_i = 1, ras%num_classes
            class_i_ind = ras%cum_classes(class_i)
            ! Over all classes connected to class_i.
            do j = 1, classes(class_i)%num_comb
                class_j = classes(class_i)%allowed_combns(j)
                class_j_ind = ras%cum_classes(class_j)
                ! Over all symmetry labels.
                do sym_i = 0, 7
                    ! The symmetry label for string_j is fixed by the label for string_i.
                    sym_j = ieor(HFSym_ras, sym_i)
                    ! The index of the first string with this symmetry and class.
                    sym_i_ind = class_i_ind + classes(class_i)%cum_sym(sym_i)
                    sym_j_ind = class_j_ind + classes(class_j)%cum_sym(sym_j)
                    ! If there are no strings with this symmetry and class.
                    if (classes(class_i)%num_sym(sym_i) == 0) cycle
                    if (classes(class_j)%num_sym(sym_j) == 0) cycle
                    ! Over all strings with this symmetry and class, for string_i.
                    do ind_i = 1, classes(class_i)%num_sym(sym_i)
                        full_ind_i = sym_i_ind + ind_i
                        ! Lookup the string corresponding to this address.
                        string_i = ras_strings(1:tot_nelec, full_ind_i)
                        ! Over all strings with this symmetry and class, for string_j.
                        do ind_j = 1, classes(class_j)%num_sym(sym_j)
                            counter = counter + 1
                            full_ind_j = sym_j_ind + ind_j
                            string_j = ras_strings(1:tot_nelec, full_ind_j)
                            ! Beta string.
                            nI(1:tot_nelec) = string_i * 2 - 1
                            ! Alpha string.
                            nI(tot_nelec + 1:nel) = string_j * 2
                            ! Replace all orbital numbers, orb, with the true orbital
                            ! numbers, BRR(orb). Also, sort this list.
                            do k = 1, nel
                                nI(k) = BRR(nI(k))
                            end do
                            call sort(nI)
                            ! Finally calculate and store the corresponding element.
                            ham_diag(counter) = get_helement(nI, nI, 0)
                        end do
                    end do
                end do
            end do
        end do

    end subroutine create_ham_diag_direct_ci