create_hilbert_space_realspace Subroutine

public subroutine create_hilbert_space_realspace(n_orbs, n_alpha, n_beta, n_states, state_list_ni, state_list_ilut)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n_orbs
integer, intent(in) :: n_alpha
integer, intent(in) :: n_beta
integer, intent(out) :: n_states
integer, intent(out), allocatable :: state_list_ni(:,:)
integer(kind=n_int), intent(out), allocatable :: state_list_ilut(:,:)


Source Code

    subroutine create_hilbert_space_realspace(n_orbs, n_alpha, n_beta, &
                                              n_states, state_list_ni, state_list_ilut)
        integer, intent(in) :: n_orbs, n_alpha, n_beta
        integer, intent(out) :: n_states
        integer, intent(out), allocatable :: state_list_ni(:, :)
        integer(n_int), intent(out), allocatable :: state_list_ilut(:, :)

        integer(n_int), allocatable :: all_dets(:)
        integer(n_int) :: temp_ilut(0:niftot)
        integer :: nJ(nel), i
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: temp_dets(:, :)
        integer :: save_states

        all_dets = create_all_dets(n_orbs, n_alpha, n_beta)

        n_states = size(all_dets)

        allocate(state_list_ni(nel, n_states))
        allocate(state_list_ilut(0:niftot, n_states))

        do i = 1, size(all_dets)
            temp_ilut = all_dets(i)
            call decode_bit_det(nJ, temp_ilut)

            state_list_ni(:, i) = nJ
            state_list_ilut(:, i) = temp_ilut

        end do

        if (tHPHF) then
            ! for hphfs we need to purify the hilbert space!
            save_states = n_states
            allocate(temp_dets(0:NIfTot, n_states), source=state_list_ilut)

            call spin_purify(save_states, temp_dets, n_states, state_list_ilut)

        end if

    end subroutine create_hilbert_space_realspace