CreateExcitLattice Subroutine

public subroutine CreateExcitLattice(nI, iLutnI, nJ, tParity, ExcitMat, pGen, part_type)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: nI(NEl)
integer(kind=n_int) :: iLutnI(0:NIfTot)
integer :: nJ(NEl)
logical :: tParity
integer :: ExcitMat(2,maxExcit)
real(kind=dp) :: pGen
integer, intent(in), optional :: part_type


Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE CreateExcitLattice(nI, iLutnI, nJ, tParity, ExcitMat, pGen, part_type)

        INTEGER :: i, j ! Loop variables
        INTEGER :: Elec1, Elec2
        INTEGER :: nI(NEl), nJ(NEl), Elec1Ind, Elec2Ind, ExcitMat(2, maxExcit), iSpn
        INTEGER(KIND=n_int) :: iLutnI(0:NIfTot)
        INTEGER :: ki(3), kj(3), kTrial(3), iElecInExcitRange, iExcludedKFromElec1, iAllowedExcites
        INTEGER :: KaXLowerLimit, KaXUpperLimit, KaXRange, KaYLowerLimit, KaYUpperLimit, KaYRange, KaZLowerLimit, KaZUpperLimit, KaZRange
        LOGICAL :: tParity, tDoubleCount, tExtraPoint
        real(dp) :: r(2), pGen, pAIJ
        integer, intent(in), optional :: part_type
        INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: Excludedk(:, :)
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "CreateExcitLattice"
        integer :: elecs(2), src(2), sym_prod, sum_ml
        real(dp) :: pgen_back

        integer :: temp_part_type
!        CALL PickElecPair(nI,Elec1Ind,Elec2Ind,SymProduct,iSpn,SumMl,-1)

        ! Completely random ordering of electrons is important when considering ij->ab ij/->ba.
        !This affects pgens for alpha/beta pairs.
        kaxrange = 0
        ielecinexcitrange = 0
        kazrange = 0
        kayrange = 0

        if (present(part_type)) then
            temp_part_type = part_type
            temp_part_type = 1
        end if

            r(1) = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
            Elec1 = INT(r(1) * NEl + 1)
                r(2) = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                Elec2 = INT(r(2) * NEl + 1)
                IF (Elec2 /= Elec1) EXIT
            end do
            Elec1Ind = Elec1
            Elec2Ind = Elec2
            IF ((G1(nI(Elec1Ind))%Ms == -1) .and. (G1(nI(Elec2Ind))%Ms == -1)) THEN
                iSpn = 1
                IF ((G1(nI(Elec1Ind))%Ms == 1) .and. (G1(nI(Elec2Ind))%Ms == 1)) THEN
                    iSpn = 3
                    iSpn = 2
                end if
            end if
            IF ((tHub .and. iSpn == 2) .or. (tUEG)) EXIT ! alpha/beta pairs are the only pairs generated for the hubbard model
        end do

        IF (tNoFailAb) THEN ! pGen is calculated first because there might be no excitations available for this ij pair

            IF (tHub) CALL Stop_All("CreateExcitLattice", "This doesn't work with Hubbard Model")

            ! Find the upper and lower ranges of kx, ky and kz from the point of view of electron i
            ki = G1(nI(Elec1Ind))%k
            kj = G1(nI(Elec2Ind))%k
            if (tUEG2) then
                ki = kvec(nI(Elec1Ind), 1:3)
                kj = kvec(nI(Elec2Ind), 1:3)
            end if
            KaXLowerLimit = MAX(-NMAXX, ki(1) - (NMAXX - kj(1)))
            KaXUpperLimit = MIN(NMAXX, ki(1) + (NMAXX + kj(1)))
            KaXRange = KaXUpperLimit - KaXLowerLimit + 1
            KaYLowerLimit = MAX(-NMAXY, ki(2) - (NMAXY - kj(2)))
            KaYUpperLimit = MIN(NMAXY, ki(2) + (NMAXY + kj(2)))
            KaYRange = KaYUpperLimit - KaYLowerLimit + 1
            KaZLowerLimit = MAX(-NMAXZ, ki(3) - (NMAXZ - kj(3)))
            KaZUpperLimit = MIN(NMAXZ, ki(3) + (NMAXZ + kj(3)))
            KaZRange = KaZUpperLimit - KaZLowerLimit + 1

            ! How many disallowed excitations are there due to electrons 'blocking' i->a or j->b excitations
            iElecInExcitRange = 0
            tExtraPoint = .false.
            allocate(Excludedk(NEl, 3))
            ! Is a = b allowed by momentum and disallowed by spin symmetry?
            IF ((G1(nI(Elec1Ind))%Ms == G1(nI(Elec2Ind))%Ms) .and. &
            &       (MOD(ki(1) - kj(1), 2) == 0) .and. &
            &       (MOD(ki(2) - kj(2), 2) == 0) .and. &
            &       (MOD(ki(3) - kj(3), 2) == 0)) THEN ! This is the disallowed double-excitation to the same orbital
                iElecInExcitRange = iElecInExcitRange + 1
                Excludedk(iElecInExcitRange, :) = (ki + kj) / 2 ! Integer division okay because we're already checked for mod2=0
                tExtraPoint = .true.
            end if
            ! How many disallowed i->a are there?
            DO i = 1, NEl
                IF (G1(nI(i))%Ms /= G1(nI(Elec1Ind))%Ms) CYCLE
                kTrial = G1(nI(i))%k
                if (tUEG2) then
                    kTrial = kvec(nI(i), 1:3)
                end if
                IF (kTrial(1) < KaXLowerLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(1) > KaXUpperLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(2) < KaYLowerLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(2) > KaYUpperLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(3) < KaZLowerLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(3) > KaZUpperLimit) CYCLE
                IF (tExtraPoint) THEN
                    IF ((kTrial(1) == Excludedk(1, 1))    &
                    & .and. (kTrial(2) == Excludedk(1, 2))   &
                    & .and. (kTrial(3) == Excludedk(1, 3))) CYCLE
                end if
                iElecInExcitRange = iElecInExcitRange + 1
                Excludedk(iElecInExcitRange, :) = kTrial
            end do
            iExcludedKFromElec1 = iElecInExcitRange
            ! How many disallowed j->b are there, given that some k-points have already been elimated by i->a being disallowed?
            DO i = 1, NEl
                IF (G1(nI(i))%Ms /= G1(nI(Elec2Ind))%Ms) CYCLE
                kTrial = ki + kj - G1(nI(i))%k
                if (tUEG2) then
                    kTrial = ki + kj - kvec(nI(i), 1:3)
                end if
                IF (kTrial(1) < KaXLowerLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(1) > KaXUpperLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(2) < KaYLowerLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(2) > KaYUpperLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(3) < KaZLowerLimit) CYCLE
                IF (kTrial(3) > KaZUpperLimit) CYCLE
                ! Need to check for this k-point already having been eliminated
                ! by the previous loop over electrons
                tDoubleCount = .false.
                DO j = 1, iExcludedKFromElec1
                    IF ((Excludedk(j, 1) == kTrial(1)) .and. (Excludedk(j, 2) == kTrial(2)) .and. Excludedk(j, 3) == kTrial(3)) then
                        tDoubleCount = .true.
                    end if
                end do
                IF (.not. tDoubleCount) iElecInExcitRange = iElecInExcitRange + 1
            end do


            ! If there are no excitations for this ij pair then this subroutine must exit
            iAllowedExcites = KaXRange * KaYRange * KaZRange - iElecInExcitRange
            IF (iAllowedExcites == 0) THEN
                !    write(stdout,*) "No allowed excitations from this ij pair"
                nJ(1) = 0
                pGen = 1.0_dp
            end if
        end if

        DO i = 1, 10000
            IF (i == 10000) THEN ! Arbitrary termination of the loop to prevent hanging
                ! due to no excitations being allowed from a certain ij pair
                write(stdout, *) "nI:", nI
                write(stdout, *) "i & j", nI(Elec1Ind), nI(Elec2Ind)
                write(stdout, *) "Allowed Excitations", iAllowedExcites
                CALL Stop_All("CreateExcitLattice", "Failure to generate a valid excitation from an electron pair combination")
            end if
            CALL CreateDoubExcitLattice(nI, iLutnI, nJ, tParity, ExcitMat, pGen, Elec1Ind, Elec2Ind, iSpn, temp_part_type)
            IF (.not. tNoFailAb) then
                ! For an invalid excitation we still need to have a valid value for pGen
                if (nJ(1) == 0) pGen = 1.0_dp
            end if
            IF (nJ(1) /= 0) EXIT ! i.e. if we are using the NoFail algorithm only exit on successful nJ(1)!=0
        end do

        ! ***This part of the code is only used if tNoFailAb is ON***
        ! Else the pgen used is from CreateDoubExcitLattice

        ! Now calculate pgen
        pAIJ = 1.0_dp / (KaXRange * KaYRange * KaZRange - iElecInExcitRange)
        ! pBIJ is zero for this kind of excitation generator for antiparallel spins
        ! but is equal to pAIJ for parallel spins.
        IF (G1(nI(Elec1Ind))%Ms /= G1(nI(Elec2Ind))%Ms) THEN
            pGen = 2.0_dp / (NEl * (NEl - 1)) * pAIJ ! Spins not equal
            pGen = 2.0_dp / (NEl * (NEl - 1)) * 2.0 * pAIJ ! Spins equal
        end if

        IF (pAIJ <= 0.0_dp) CALL Stop_All("CreateExcitLattice", "pAIJ is less than 0")

    END SUBROUTINE CreateExcitLattice