subroutine dealloc_global_rdm_data()
! This routine just deallocates the arrays allocated in InitRDMs.
! If the NECI calculation softexits before the RDMs start to fill,
! this is all that is called at the end.
use CalcData, only: tEN2
use FciMCData, only: Spawned_Parents, Spawned_Parents_Index
use FciMCData, only: Spawned_ParentsTag, Spawned_Parents_IndexTag
use FciMCData, only: AvNoatHF, IterRDM_HF
use LoggingData, only: RDMExcitLevel, tExplicitAllRDM
use rdm_data, only: two_rdm_main, two_rdm_recv, two_rdm_recv_2, two_rdm_spawn, en_pert_main
use rdm_data, only: rdm_estimates, one_rdms, Sing_ExcDjs, Doub_ExcDjs
use rdm_data, only: Sing_ExcDjs2, Doub_ExcDjs2, Sing_ExcDjsTag, Doub_ExcDjsTag
use rdm_data, only: Sing_ExcDjs2Tag, Doub_ExcDjs2Tag
use rdm_data, only: Sing_InitExcSlots, Doub_InitExcSlots, Sing_ExcList, Doub_ExcList
use rdm_data_utils, only: dealloc_rdm_list_t, dealloc_rdm_spawn_t, dealloc_one_rdm_t
use rdm_data_utils, only: dealloc_en_pert_t
use rdm_estimators, only: dealloc_rdm_estimates_t
use RotateOrbsData, only: SymLabelCounts2_rot, SymLabelList2_rot, SymLabelListInv_rot
use RotateOrbsData, only: SymLabelCounts2_rotTag, SymLabelList2_rotTag
use RotateOrbsData, only: SymLabelListInv_rotTag
use RotateOrbsMod, only: FourIndInts, FourIndIntsTag
character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'dealloc_global_rdm_data'
integer :: irdm
! Deallocate global 2-RDM arrays, including the spawning object.
call dealloc_rdm_list_t(two_rdm_main)
call dealloc_rdm_list_t(two_rdm_recv)
call dealloc_rdm_list_t(two_rdm_recv_2)
call dealloc_rdm_spawn_t(two_rdm_spawn)
! deallocate the inits-only rdms
if (tinitsRDM) then
call dealloc_rdm_list_t(two_rdm_inits)
call dealloc_rdm_spawn_t(two_rdm_inits_spawn)
end if
! Deallocate the EN perturbation orbject.
if (tEN2) then
call dealloc_en_pert_t(en_pert_main)
end if
! Deallocate the RDM estimates object.
call dealloc_rdm_estimates_t(rdm_estimates)
! Deallocate all 1-RDM objects.
if (allocated(one_rdms)) then
do irdm = 1, size(one_rdms)
call dealloc_one_rdm_t(one_rdms(irdm))
if (tinitsRDM) call dealloc_one_rdm_t(inits_one_rdms(irdm))
end do
if (tinitsRDM .and. allocated(inits_one_rdms)) deallocate(inits_one_rdms)
end if
if (tExplicitAllRDM) then
! This array contains the initial positions of the single
! excitations for each processor.
! This array contains the current position of the single
! excitations as they're added.
! This array actually contains the single excitations in blocks of
! the processor they will be sent to.
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, Sing_ExcDjsTag)
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, Sing_ExcDjs2Tag)
if (RDMExcitLevel /= 1) then
! This array contains the initial positions of the
! single excitations for each processor.
! This array contains the current position of the single
! excitations as they're added.
! This array actually contains the single excitations in
! blocks of the processor they will be sent to.
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, Doub_ExcDjsTag)
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, Doub_ExcDjs2Tag)
end if
if (allocated(Spawned_Parents)) then
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, Spawned_ParentsTag)
end if
if (allocated(Spawned_Parents_Index)) then
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, Spawned_Parents_IndexTag)
end if
end if
if (allocated(FourIndInts)) then
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, FourIndIntsTag)
end if
if (allocated(SymLabelCounts2_rot)) then
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, SymLabelCounts2_rotTag)
end if
if (allocated(SymLabelList2_rot)) then
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, SymLabelList2_rotTag)
end if
if (allocated(SymLabelListInv_rot)) then
call LogMemDeAlloc(t_r, SymLabelListInv_rotTag)
end if
if (allocated(AvNoatHF)) deallocate(AvNoatHF)
if (allocated(IterRDM_HF)) deallocate(IterRDM_HF)
end subroutine dealloc_global_rdm_data