subroutine diagonalize_core_non_hermitian(e_values, e_vectors, rep)
type(core_space_t), intent(in) :: rep
real(dp), allocatable, intent(out) :: e_values(:)
HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: e_vectors(:, :)
HElement_t(dp), allocatable :: full_H(:, :)
integer i, nI(nel), space_size
! if the Hamiltonian is non-hermitian we cannot use the
! standard Lanzcos or Davidson routines. so:
! build the full Hamiltonian
call calc_determin_hamil_full(full_H, rep)
if (t_print_core_info) then
root_print "The determinants are"
root_print "semistochastic basis:"
do i = 1, rep%determ_space_size
call decode_bit_det(nI, rep%core_space(:, i))
print *, nI
end do
root_print "deterministic hamiltonian:"
call print_matrix(full_H)
end if
allocate(e_values(size(full_H, 1)))
allocate(e_vectors(size(full_H, 1), size(full_H, 1)))
e_values = 0.0_dp
e_vectors = 0.0_dp
call eig(full_H, e_values, e_vectors)
! maybe we also want to start from a different eigenvector in
! this case? this would be practial for the hubbard problem case..
root_print "Full diagonalisation for non-hermitian Hamiltonian completed!"
end subroutine diagonalize_core_non_hermitian