error_analysis Subroutine

public subroutine error_analysis(tSingPartPhase, iShiftVary, mean_ProjE_re, ProjE_Err_re, mean_ProjE_im, ProjE_Err_im, mean_Shift, Shift_Err, tNoProjEValue, tNoShiftValue, equilshift, equilproje)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
logical, intent(in) :: tSingPartPhase
integer, intent(inout) :: iShiftVary
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: mean_ProjE_re
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: ProjE_Err_re
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: mean_ProjE_im
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: ProjE_Err_im
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: mean_Shift
real(kind=dp), intent(out) :: Shift_Err
logical, intent(out) :: tNoProjEValue
logical, intent(out) :: tNoShiftValue
integer, intent(in), optional :: equilshift
integer, intent(in), optional :: equilproje


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine error_analysis(tSingPartPhase, iShiftVary, mean_ProjE_re, ProjE_Err_re, &
                              mean_ProjE_im, ProjE_Err_im, mean_Shift, Shift_Err, tNoProjEValue, tNoShiftValue, &
                              equilshift, equilproje)
        implicit none
        logical, intent(in) :: tSingPartPhase
        integer, intent(inout) :: iShiftVary
        integer, intent(in), optional :: equilshift, equilproje
        integer :: corrlength_denom, corrlength_num, corrlength_shift, corrlength_imnum
        integer :: equil_time_denom, equil_time_num, equil_time_shift, equil_time_imnum
        real(dp), allocatable :: temp(:)
        integer :: final_corrlength_proj, ierr
        real(dp) :: mean_denom, error_denom, eie_denom
        real(dp) :: mean_num, error_num, eie_num
        real(dp) :: eie_shift
        real(dp) :: mean_imnum, error_imnum, eie_imnum
        real(dp) :: covariance_re, correction_re
        real(dp) :: covariance_im, correction_im
        logical :: tFail_num, tFail_denom, tFail_imnum, tFail_shift
        logical :: tPrintIntermediateBlocking
        logical, intent(out) :: tNoProjEValue, tNoShiftValue
        real(dp), intent(out) :: mean_ProjE_re, ProjE_Err_re, mean_ProjE_im, ProjE_Err_im, mean_Shift, Shift_Err
        character(len=*), parameter :: t_r = 'Error_analysis'
        logical :: tFailRead

        if (iProcIndex /= Root) return   !Just do this in serial

        write(stdout, "(A)")
        write(stdout, "(A)") "Calculating approximate errorbar for energy estimates..."
        write(stdout, "(A)")

        if (present(equilshift) .or. present(equilproje)) then
            tGivenEquilibrium = .true.
            if (present(equilshift)) then
                Shift_Start = equilshift
                Shift_Start = 0
            end if
            if (present(equilproje)) then
                ProjE_Start = equilproje
                ProjE_Start = 0
            end if
            iShiftVary = min(ProjE_Start, Shift_Start)
            tGivenEquilibrium = .false.
        end if

        tNoProjEValue = .false.
        tNoShiftValue = .false.
        if ((tSingPartPhase .and. (.not. tGivenEquilibrium)) .or. (SftDamp < 1.0e-7_dp)) then
            write(stdout, "(A)") "Calculation has not entered variable shift phase. Error analysis therefore not performed."
            write(stdout, "(A)") "Direct reblocking of instantaneous energy possible, but this would contain finite sampling bias."
            tNoProjEValue = .true.
            tNoShiftValue = .true.
            write(stdout, "(A,I12)") "Attempting automatic reblocking analysis on data from iteration: ", iShiftVary
        end if

        !Read and store numerator_data, pophf_data, shift_data, and if complex, also imnumerator_data
        call read_fcimcstats(iShiftVary, tFailRead)
        if (tFailRead) then
            tNoProjEValue = .true.
            tNoShiftValue = .true.
        end if

        ! STEP 2) Performs an preliminary blocking analysis, with a fixed blocklength of 2
        ! This is predominantly to yield the correlation length
        ! Files for plotting (for manual reblocking) are outputted in PLOT files
        if (Errordebug > 0) then
            tPrintIntermediateBlocking = .true.
            tPrintIntermediateBlocking = .false.
        end if
        call automatic_reblocking_analysis(pophf_data, 2, corrlength_denom, &
                                           'PLOT_denom', tPrintIntermediateBlocking, 1)
        call automatic_reblocking_analysis(numerator_data, 2, corrlength_num, &
                                           'PLOT_num', tPrintIntermediateBlocking, 2)
        call automatic_reblocking_analysis(shift_data, 2, corrlength_shift, &
                                           'PLOT_shift', tPrintIntermediateBlocking, 3)
        if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
            call automatic_reblocking_analysis(imnumerator_data, 2, &
                                               corrlength_imnum, 'PLOT_imnum', tPrintIntermediateBlocking, 4)
        end if

        if (.not. tGivenEquilibrium) then

            ! STEP 3) Attempts an automatic removal of equilibration time
            ! From the data that's had serial correlation removed
            ! (See subroutine for how this is achieved)
            allocate(temp(size(pophf_data)), stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(t_r, 'Alloc error')
            temp = pophf_data
            call reblock_data(temp, corrlength_denom)
            if (errordebug > 0) call print_vector(temp, filename='PLOT_blocked_pophf')
            call attempt_detect_equil_time(temp, equil_time_denom, tFail_denom)
            if (tFail_denom) then
                write(stdout, "(A)")
                write(stdout, "(A)") "*** ERROR *** Failure to automatically detect equilibration time for " &
                    & //"projected energy denominator"
                write(stdout, "(A)") "Skipping blocking analysis of projected energy, and energy estimate " &
                    & //"will be simple average over "
                write(stdout, "(A)") "all iterations (including growth phase), which may contain correlated " &
                    & //"sampling bias. Use with caution."
                write(stdout, "(A)") "Manual reblocking or continued running suggested for accurate " &
                    & //"projected energy estimate."
                tNoProjEValue = .true.
            end if

            allocate(temp(size(numerator_data)), stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(t_r, 'Alloc error')
            temp = numerator_data
            call reblock_data(temp, corrlength_num)
            if (errordebug > 0) call print_vector(temp, filename='PLOT_blocked_num')
            call attempt_detect_equil_time(temp, equil_time_num, tFail_num)
            if (tFail_num) then
                write(stdout, "(A)")
                write(stdout, "(A)") "*** ERROR *** Failure to automatically detect equilibration time for " &
                    & //"projected energy numerator"
                write(stdout, "(A)") "Skipping blocking analysis of projected energy, and energy estimate " &
                    & //"will be simple average over "
                write(stdout, "(A)") "all iterations (including growth phase), which may contain correlated " &
                    & //"sampling bias. Use with caution."
                write(stdout, "(A)") "Manual reblocking or continued running suggested for accurate " &
                    & //"projected energy estimate."
                tNoProjEValue = .true.
            end if

            allocate(temp(size(shift_data)), stat=ierr)
            if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(t_r, 'Alloc error')
            temp = shift_data
            call reblock_data(temp, corrlength_shift)
            if (errordebug > 0) call print_vector(temp, filename='PLOT_blocked_shift')
            call attempt_detect_equil_time(temp, equil_time_shift, tFail_shift)
            if (tFail_shift) then
                write(stdout, "(A)")
                write(stdout, "(A)") "*** ERROR *** Failure to automatically detect equilibration time for shift value."
                write(stdout, "(A)") "Skipping blocking analysis and calculation of average shift."
                write(stdout, "(A)") "Continued running suggested if accurate shift estimate required."
                tNoShiftValue = .true.
            end if

            if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
                allocate(temp(size(imnumerator_data)), stat=ierr)
                if (ierr /= 0) call stop_all(t_r, 'Alloc error')
                temp = imnumerator_data
                call reblock_data(temp, corrlength_imnum)
                if (errordebug > 0) call print_vector(temp, filename='PLOT_blocked_imnum')
                call attempt_detect_equil_time(temp, equil_time_imnum, tFail_imnum)
                if (tFail_imnum) then
                    write(stdout, "(A)")
                    write(stdout, "(A)") "*** ERROR *** Failure to automatically detect equilibration time for " &
                        & //"imaginary projected energy numerator"
                    write(stdout, "(A)") "Skipping blocking analysis of projected energy, and energy estimate " &
                        & //"will be simple average over "
                    write(stdout, "(A)") "all iterations (including growth phase), which may contain correlated " &
                        & //"sampling bias. Use with caution."
                    write(stdout, "(A)") "Continued running suggested for accurate projected energy estimate."
                    tNoProjEValue = .true.
                end if
            end if

            ! STEP 4) Removes the equilibration time from the start of the data set
            ! Allow shift and projected energy to have seperate equilibration times
            ! If complex, the equilibration time for projected energy is the longest of all three quantities
            if (.not. tNoProjEValue) then
                relaxation_time_proje = max(equil_time_denom * corrlength_denom, equil_time_num * corrlength_num)
                if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
                    relaxation_time_proje = max(relaxation_time_proje, equil_time_imnum * corrlength_imnum)
                end if
                write(stdout, "(A,I8,A)") "Relaxation time for projected energy estimated to be ", relaxation_time_proje, &
                    " update cycles."
            end if
            if (.not. tNoShiftValue) then
                relaxation_time_shift = equil_time_shift * corrlength_shift
                write(stdout, "(A,I8,A)") "Relaxation time for shift estimated to be ", relaxation_time_shift, &
                    " update cycles."
            end if

            write(stdout, "(A,I8,A)") "Relaxation time for projected energy estimated to be ", relaxation_time_proje, &
                " update cycles."
            write(stdout, "(A,I8,A)") "Relaxation time for shift estimated to be ", relaxation_time_shift, " update cycles."
        end if   !Endif automatic relaxation time calculation

        if (.not. tNoProjEValue) then
            call resize(pophf_data, relaxation_time_proje)
            call resize(numerator_data, relaxation_time_proje)
            if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) call resize(imnumerator_data, relaxation_time_proje)

            !Now find all block lengths, and write them to file, so that blocklengths can be checked.
            !Call routine here to write out a file (Blocks_proje) with the projected energy mean and error for all block sizes.
            if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
                call print_proje_blocks(pophf_data, numerator_data, 2, 'Blocks_proje_re')
#ifdef CMPLX_
                call print_proje_blocks(pophf_data, imnumerator_data, 2, 'Blocks_proje_im')
                call print_proje_blocks(pophf_data, numerator_data, 2, 'Blocks_proje')
            end if

            !Now perform automatic reblocking again, to get expected blocklength
            call automatic_reblocking_analysis(pophf_data, 2, corrlength_denom, 'Blocks_denom', .true., 1)
            call automatic_reblocking_analysis(numerator_data, 2, corrlength_num, 'Blocks_num', .true., 2)
            if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
                call automatic_reblocking_analysis(imnumerator_data, 2, corrlength_imnum, 'Blocks_imnum', .true., 4)
            end if
        end if

        if (.not. tNoShiftValue) then
            call resize(shift_data, relaxation_time_shift)
            call automatic_reblocking_analysis(shift_data, 2, corrlength_shift, 'Blocks_shift', .true., 3)
        end if

        ! STEP 5) Now gathers together the properly reblocked data and find statistics
        if (.not. tNoProjEValue) then
            final_corrlength_proj = max(corrlength_num, corrlength_denom)
            if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
                final_corrlength_proj = max(final_corrlength_proj, corrlength_imnum)
            end if
            if (Errordebug > 0) write(stdout, "(A,I10)") "Final projected energy correlation length", final_corrlength_proj
            call reblock_data(pophf_data, final_corrlength_proj)
            call reblock_data(numerator_data, final_corrlength_proj)
            call analyze_data(pophf_data, mean_denom, error_denom, eie_denom)
            call analyze_data(numerator_data, mean_num, error_num, eie_num)
            write(stdout, "(A,F22.10,A,G20.8,A,G22.10)") "ProjE_denominator:", mean_denom, " +/- ", error_denom, &
                " Relative error: ", abs(error_denom / mean_denom)
            if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
                call reblock_data(imnumerator_data, final_corrlength_proj)
                call analyze_data(imnumerator_data, mean_imnum, error_imnum, eie_imnum)
                write(stdout, "(A,F22.10,A,G20.8,A,G22.10)") "ProjE_numerator (Re):", mean_num, " +/- ", error_num, &
                    " Relative error: ", abs(error_num / mean_num)
                write(stdout, "(A,F22.10,A,G20.8,A,G22.10)") "ProjE_numerator (Im):", mean_imnum, " +/- ", error_imnum, &
                    " Relative error: ", abs(error_imnum / mean_imnum)
                write(stdout, "(A,F22.10,A,G20.8,A,G22.10)") "ProjE_numerator:  ", mean_num, " +/- ", error_num, &
                    " Relative error: ", abs(error_num / mean_num)
            end if
        end if
        ! write(stdout,*) "OVERALL", mean2/mean1, "+-",
        ! this is before the covariance, so don't print it now

        if (.not. tNoShiftValue) then
            !Now, also do this for the shift estimate
            call reblock_data(shift_data, corrlength_shift)
            call analyze_data(shift_data, mean_shift, shift_Err, eie_shift)
            if (Errordebug > 0) then
                write(stdout, "(A,F20.10,A,G20.8,A,G22.10)") "Shift:            ", &
                    mean_shift, " +/- ", shift_Err, " Relative error: ", abs(shift_Err / mean_shift)
            end if
        end if

        ! STEP 6) Refine statistics using covariance
        if (.not. tNoProjEValue) then
            covariance_re = calc_covariance(pophf_data, numerator_data)
            correction_re = 2.0_dp * covariance_re / ((size(pophf_data)) * mean_denom * mean_num)
            if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) then
                covariance_im = calc_covariance(pophf_data, imnumerator_data)
                correction_im = 2.0_dp * covariance_im / ((size(pophf_data)) * mean_denom * mean_imnum)
            end if

            mean_ProjE_re = mean_num / mean_denom
            ProjE_Err_re = abs(mean_ProjE_re) * sqrt((abs(error_denom / mean_denom))**2.0_dp &
                                                     + (abs(error_num / mean_num))**2.0_dp - correction_re)
            if (lenof_sign / inum_runs == 2) then
                mean_ProjE_im = mean_imnum / mean_denom

                ProjE_Err_im = abs(mean_ProjE_im) * sqrt((abs(error_denom / mean_denom))**2.0_dp &
                                                         + (abs(error_imnum / mean_imnum))**2.0_dp - correction_im)
                if (ErrorDebug > 0) then
                    write(stdout, "(A,F20.8)") "Covariance correction (Re):", correction_re
                    write(stdout, "(A,F20.8)") "Covariance correction (Im):", correction_im
                    write(stdout, "(A,F20.10,A,G20.8)") "Final projected energy (Re): ", mean_ProjE_re, " +/- ", ProjE_Err_re
                    write(stdout, "(A,F20.10,A,G20.8)") "Final projected energy (Im): ", mean_ProjE_im, " +/- ", ProjE_Err_im
                end if
                if (ErrorDebug > 0) then
                    write(stdout, "(A,F20.8)") "Covariance correction:", correction_re
                    write(stdout, "(A,F20.10,A,G20.8)") "Final projected energy: ", mean_ProjE_re, " +/- ", ProjE_Err_re
                end if
            end if
        end if

        deallocate(pophf_data, numerator_data, shift_data)
        if (lenof_sign == 2 .and. inum_runs == 1) deallocate(imnumerator_data)

    end subroutine error_analysis