subroutine Fill_ExplicitRDM_this_Iter(TotWalkers)
use FciMCData, only: CurrentDets
use global_utilities, only: set_timer, halt_timer
use Parallel_neci, only: iProcIndex, MPIAllReduceDataType
use MPI_wrapper, only: MPI_MAXLOC, MPI_2integer
use rdm_data, only: nElRDM_Time
integer(int64), intent(in) :: TotWalkers
integer(n_int) :: iLutnI(0:NIfTot)
integer(int64) :: MaxTotWalkers, TotWalkIn(2), TotWalkOut(2)
integer :: i, error
real(dp) :: TempTotParts, NormalisationTemp, Sum_Coeffs
logical :: blank_det
integer :: SignI(lenof_sign), SignI2(lenof_sign)
! Run through the current determinants.
! Find the max number of determinants on a processor - all need to
! run through this number so that the communication can be done at
! all stages.
TotWalkIn(1) = TotWalkers
TotWalkIn(2) = iProcIndex
call MPIAllReduceDatatype(TotWalkIn, 1, MPI_MAXLOC, MPI_2integer, TotWalkOut)
MaxTotWalkers = TotWalkOut(1)
call set_timer(nElRDM_Time, 30)
do i = 1, int(MaxTotWalkers)
! But if the actual number of determinants on this processor is
! less than the number we're running through, feed in 0
! determinants and 0 sign.
if (i > TotWalkers) then
iLutnI(:) = 0
blank_det = .true.
iLutnI(:) = CurrentDets(:, i)
blank_det = .false.
end if
call Add_ExplicitRDM_Contrib(iLutnI, blank_det)
end do
call halt_timer(nElRDM_Time)
end subroutine Fill_ExplicitRDM_this_Iter