fill_frequency_histogram_4ind Subroutine

public subroutine fill_frequency_histogram_4ind(mat_ele, pgen, ic, t_parallel, ex)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: mat_ele
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: pgen
integer, intent(in) :: ic
logical, intent(in) :: t_parallel
integer, intent(in), optional :: ex(2,ic)


Source Code

    subroutine fill_frequency_histogram_4ind(mat_ele, pgen, ic, t_parallel, ex)
        ! this is the specific routine to fill up the frequency histograms
        ! for the 4ind-weighted excitation generators, which use pParallel too
        ! (do they always by default?? check that! todo!
        ! i just realised, due to the linear and ordered bins, i actually dont
        ! need to binary search in them but can determine the index just
        ! through the ratio and frequency step size
        ! i want to stop filling the histograms after a certain number of
        ! excitations is stored. 1.: since i dont want integer overflows and
        ! i think it is unnecessary to store it as an 64bit integer array
        ! and 2.: the distribution shouldn't change too much after a
        ! certain point..
        ! but this would also mean, that the tau-update would not give
        ! any new values after i dont change the histograms anymore
        ! so i could stop the tau-adaptation after that point too..
        ! so maybe first experiment a bit with 64bit array to see if
        ! the time does change more after the 32 bit limit is reached
        ! and then change it back to 32 bits..
        real(dp), intent(in) :: mat_ele, pgen
        integer, intent(in) :: ic
        logical, intent(in) :: t_parallel
        integer, intent(in), optional :: ex(2, ic)
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "fill_frequency_histogram_4ind"
        ! i think in my histogramming tau-search i have to increase this
        ! threshold by a LOT to avoid fluctuating behavior at the
        ! beginning of the calculation
        integer, parameter :: cnt_threshold = 50

        real(dp) :: ratio
        integer :: ind
        integer :: indi, indj, inda, indb

#ifdef DEBUG_
        if (pgen < EPS) then
            print *, "pgen: ", pgen
            print *, "matrix element: ", mat_ele
        end if

        if (pgen < EPS) return

        ASSERT(pgen > 0.0_dp)
        ASSERT(ic == 1 .or. ic == 2 .or. (ic == 3 .and. t_3_body_excits))

        ! i can't make this exception here without changing alot in the
        ! other parts of the code.. and i have to talk to ali first about
        ! that
        ! but with my cutoff change i should change this here to keep
        ! track of the excitations above matele cutoff or?? hm..
        ! and in the rest of the code i have to abort these excitations really!
        ! talk to ali about that!
        if (mat_ele < matele_cutoff) then
            ! but i still should keep track of these events!
            select case (ic)
            case (1)
                ! what if i get an int overflow here? should i also
                ! stop histogramming?
                zero_singles = zero_singles + 1

            case (2)
                if (t_parallel) then
                    zero_para = zero_para + 1
                    zero_anti = zero_anti + 1
                end if
            case (3)
                ! adapt this to possible triples now
                ! but still re-use the singles counters in this case
                zero_singles = zero_singles + 1

            end select

        end if

        if (mat_ele < thresh) then
            ! maybe it would be better to measure if the ratio is
            ! below the thresh
            select case (ic)
            case (1)
                below_thresh_singles = below_thresh_singles + 1

            case (2)
                if (t_parallel) then
                    below_thresh_para = below_thresh_para + 1
                    below_thresh_anti = below_thresh_anti + 1
                end if

            case (3)
                below_thresh_singles = below_thresh_singles + 1

            end select
        end if

        ratio = mat_ele / pgen

        ! then i have to decide which histogram to fill

        if (ic == 1 .or. (ic == 3 .and. t_3_body_excits)) then

            ! if i ignore the ratios above the upper limit i also can
            ! only count these excitations if they do not get ignored..

            ! i have to change the way how we store those excitations in the
            ! histograms! i have to unbias it against the psingles, etc.
            ! quantities, so the histograms do not have feedback!

            ! i have to ensure pSingles is also set to 1.0_dp - pDoubles
            ! in the transcorr hubbard case..
            ratio = ratio * pSingles

            if (ratio < max_frequency_bound) then

                ! also keep track of the number of done excitations
                if (.not. enough_sing_hist) then
                    cnt_sing_hist = cnt_sing_hist + 1
                    if (cnt_sing_hist > cnt_threshold) enough_sing_hist = .true.
                end if

                ! find where to put the ratio
                ! since ordered and linear bin bounds i can just divide..
                ! i just hope there are no numerical errors creeping in ..
                ! if the ratio happens to be exactly the upper bound, it
                ! still has to be put in the last bin or? yes i guess..
                ! so take the minimum of the ind and the max bin index
                ind = int(ratio / frq_step_size) + 1
                frequency_bins_singles(ind) = frequency_bins_singles(ind) + 1

                ! for now also test if the actually ratio is below the
                ! threshold, although.. i already now the minumum ratio,
                ! which is not so small.. just too many of those happen!
                ! we have to avoid that!
                ! store the number of excitation which exceed the upper limit!
                above_max_singles = above_max_singles + 1
                print *, "Warning: single excitation H_ij/pgen above max_frequency_bound!"
                print *, " H_ij: ", mat_ele, ", pgen: ", pgen, ", pSingles: ", pSingles
                print *, "ex-maxtrix: ", get_src(ex), " -> ", get_tgt(ex)
                print *, " H_ij/pgen: ", ratio, " ; bound: ", max_frequency_bound
                print *, " Consider increasing the bound!"
#ifdef DEBUG_
                indi = gtid(ex(1, 1))
                indj = gtid(ex(1, 2))
                inda = gtid(ex(2, 1))
                indb = gtid(ex(2, 2))
                print *, "umat (ij|ab) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb)
                print *, "umat (ij|ba) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda)
                print *, "diff: ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb) - &
                                       get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda))
                print *, "(ia|ia): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, inda, indi, inda))
                print *, "(ja|ja): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, inda, indj, inda))
                print *, "(ib|ib): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indb, indi, indb))
                print *, "(jb|jb): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, indb, indj, indb))
                print *, "******************"
            end if

            ! also start to store the maximum values anyway..
            if (ratio > gamma_sing) gamma_sing = ratio
            ! also start to store the smallest allowed ratio:
            if (ratio < min_sing) min_sing = ratio

            ! check if parallel or anti-parallel
            if (t_parallel) then

                ratio = ratio * (pDoubles * pParallel)
#ifdef DEBUG_
                ! analyse the really low and really high ratios:
                if (ratio < 0.001_dp) then
                    print *, "******************"
                    print *, "parallel excitation:"
                    print *, "ratio: ", ratio
                    print *, "mat_ele: ", mat_ele
                    print *, "pgen: ", pgen
                    print *, "ex-maxtrix: ", get_src(ex), " -> ", get_tgt(ex)
                    indi = gtid(ex(1, 1))
                    indj = gtid(ex(1, 2))
                    inda = gtid(ex(2, 1))
                    indb = gtid(ex(2, 2))
                    print *, "umat (ij|ab) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb)
                    print *, "umat (ij|ba) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda)
                    print *, "diff: ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb) - &
                                           get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda))
                    print *, "(ia|ia): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, inda, indi, inda))
                    print *, "(ja|ja): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, inda, indj, inda))
                    print *, "(ib|ib): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indb, indi, indb))
                    print *, "(jb|jb): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, indb, indj, indb))
                    print *, "******************"

                end if
                if (ratio < max_frequency_bound) then
                    if (.not. enough_par_hist) then
                        cnt_par_hist = cnt_par_hist + 1
                        if (cnt_par_hist > 2 * cnt_threshold) enough_par_hist = .true.
                    end if

                    ind = int(ratio / frq_step_size) + 1

                    frequency_bins_para(ind) = frequency_bins_para(ind) + 1
                    above_max_para = above_max_para + 1
#ifdef DEBUG_
                    print *, "mat_ele: ", mat_ele
                    print *, "pgen: ", pgen
                    print *, "ex-maxtrix: ", get_src(ex), " -> ", get_tgt(ex)
                    indi = gtid(ex(1, 1))
                    indj = gtid(ex(1, 2))
                    inda = gtid(ex(2, 1))
                    indb = gtid(ex(2, 2))
                    print *, "umat (ij|ab) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb)
                    print *, "umat (ij|ba) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda)
                    print *, "diff: ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb) - &
                                           get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda))
                    print *, "(ia|ia): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, inda, indi, inda))
                    print *, "(ja|ja): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, inda, indj, inda))
                    print *, "(ib|ib): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indb, indi, indb))
                    print *, "(jb|jb): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, indb, indj, indb))

                    print *, "******************"
                end if

                if (ratio > gamma_par) gamma_par = ratio
                if (ratio < min_par) min_par = ratio

                ratio = ratio * (pDoubles * (1.0_dp - pParallel))
                ! analyse the really low and really high ratios:
#ifdef DEBUG_
                if (ratio < 0.001_dp) then
                    print *, "******************"
                    print *, "anti-parallel excitation:"
                    print *, "ratio: ", ratio
                    print *, "mat_ele: ", mat_ele
                    print *, "pgen: ", pgen
                    print *, "ex-maxtrix: ", get_src(ex), " -> ", get_tgt(ex)
                    indi = gtid(ex(1, 1))
                    indj = gtid(ex(1, 2))
                    inda = gtid(ex(2, 1))
                    indb = gtid(ex(2, 2))
                    print *, "umat (ij|ab) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb)
                    print *, "umat (ij|ba) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda)
                    print *, "diff: ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb) - &
                                           get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda))
                    print *, "(ia|ia): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, inda, indi, inda))
                    print *, "(ja|ja): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, inda, indj, inda))
                    print *, "(ib|ib): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indb, indi, indb))
                    print *, "(jb|jb): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, indb, indj, indb))
                    print *, "******************"
                end if

                if (ratio < max_frequency_bound) then
                    if (.not. enough_opp_hist) then
                        cnt_opp_hist = cnt_opp_hist + 1
                        if (cnt_opp_hist > cnt_threshold) enough_opp_hist = .true.
                    end if

                    ind = int(ratio / frq_step_size) + 1

                    frequency_bins_anti(ind) = frequency_bins_anti(ind) + 1

                    above_max_anti = above_max_anti + 1
#ifdef DEBUG_
                    print *, "mat_ele: ", mat_ele
                    print *, "pgen: ", pgen
                    print *, "ex-maxtrix: ", get_src(ex), " -> ", get_tgt(ex)
                    indi = gtid(ex(1, 1))
                    indj = gtid(ex(1, 2))
                    inda = gtid(ex(2, 1))
                    indb = gtid(ex(2, 2))
                    print *, "umat (ij|ab) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb)
                    print *, "umat (ij|ba) ", get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda)
                    print *, "diff: ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indj, inda, indb) - &
                                           get_umat_el(indi, indj, indb, inda))
                    print *, "(ia|ia): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, inda, indi, inda))
                    print *, "(ja|ja): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, inda, indj, inda))
                    print *, "(ib|ib): ", abs(get_umat_el(indi, indb, indi, indb))
                    print *, "(jb|jb): ", abs(get_umat_el(indj, indb, indj, indb))
                    print *, "******************"

                end if

                if (ratio > gamma_opp) gamma_opp = ratio
                if (ratio < min_opp) min_opp = ratio

            end if
            ! combine par and opp into enough_doub
            if (enough_par_hist .and. enough_opp_hist) enough_doub_hist = .true.

        end if

    end subroutine fill_frequency_histogram_4ind