subroutine Fill_Hist_ExplicitRDM_this_Iter()
use bit_reps, only: encode_sign
use DetCalcData, only: Det, FCIDets
use hist_data, only: AllHistogram, Histogram
use global_utilities, only: set_timer, halt_timer
use Parallel_neci, only: iProcIndex, MPISumAll
use rdm_data, only: nElRDM_Time, ExcNorm
integer(n_int) :: iLutnI(0:NIfTot)
integer :: i, error
real(dp) :: TempTotParts, NormalisationTemp, Sum_Coeffs, AllNode_norm
logical :: blank_det
real(dp), dimension(lenof_sign) :: TempSign
call set_timer(nElRDM_Time, 30)
call MPISumAll(Histogram, AllHistogram)
ExcNorm = 0.0_dp
if (iProcIndex == 0) then
do i = 1, Det
ExcNorm = ExcNorm + AllHistogram(1, i)**2
end do
ExcNorm = sqrt(ExcNorm)
end if
call MPISumAll(ExcNorm, allNode_norm)
ExcNorm = allNode_norm
do i = 1, Det
! But if the actual number of determinants on this processor is
! less than the number we're running through, feed in 0
! determinants and 0 sign.
if (near_zero(real(Histogram(1, i)))) then
iLutnI(:) = 0
blank_det = .true.
iLutnI(:) = FCIDets(:, i)
blank_det = .false.
end if
TempSign(1) = real(i, dp)
call encode_sign(iLutnI, TempSign)
call Add_Hist_ExplicitRDM_Contrib(iLutnI, blank_det)
end do
call halt_timer(nElRDM_Time)
end subroutine Fill_Hist_ExplicitRDM_this_Iter