subroutine fill_lu_table(this)
implicit none
class(lattice) :: this
integer :: i, j, m, k_check(sdim), k_sum(sdim), nsites
integer :: k
nsites = this%get_nsites()
!The older loop took a very long to finish for any lattice that is not super tiny.
!I tried a 21x5x1 rectangle and it did not finish after 2 days
!It over-counts a lot.
!Below is my optimized version, which loops directly over momenta instead of orbitals
!There is no need to distinguish the 1-body and 2-body transcorrelation terms, because it
!uses the result of the subroutine get_lu_table_size
do i=this%kmin(1),this%kmax(1)
do j=this%kmin(2),this%kmax(2)
do k=this%kmin(3),this%kmax(3)
do m=1,nsites
if(all(k_check == this%get_k_vec(m))) then
this%lu_table(k_sum(1),k_sum(2),k_sum(3)) = m
end if
end do
end do
end do
end do
end subroutine fill_lu_table