subroutine finalize_double_occ_and_spin_diff()
! routine to communicate all the data from all nodes and also
! print out the information i guess..
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "finalize_double_occ_and_spin_diff"
real(dp), allocatable :: all_double_occ_vec(:), all_spin_diff(:), &
all_sum_double_occ_vec(:), all_sum_spin_diff(:)
allocate(all_double_occ_vec(nBasis / 2))
allocate(all_spin_diff(nBasis / 2))
allocate(all_sum_double_occ_vec(nBasis / 2))
allocate(all_sum_spin_diff(nBasis / 2))
all_double_occ_vec = 0.0_dp
all_spin_diff = 0.0_dp
all_sum_double_occ_vec = 0.0_dp
all_sum_spin_diff = 0.0_dp
call MPIAllreduce(spin_diff, MPI_SUM, all_spin_diff)
call MPIAllreduce(double_occ_vec, MPI_SUM, all_double_occ_vec)
call MPIAllreduce(sum_double_occ_vec, MPI_SUM, all_sum_double_occ_vec)
call MPIAllreduce(sum_spin_diff, MPI_SUM, all_sum_spin_diff)
if (iProcIndex == Root) then
! first ouput the double occupancy and spin difference for each
! spatial orbital
print *, "double occupancy for each orbital: "
print *, sum_double_occ_vec / (sum_norm_psi_squared * real(StepsSft, dp))
print *, "spin difference for each orbital: "
print *, sum_spin_diff / (sum_norm_psi_squared * real(StepsSft, dp))
! and also calculate the summed value over all orbitals to
! compare it with the other method and two_rdms
print *, "total double double occupancy: "
print *, 2.0_dp * sum(sum_double_occ_vec) / &
(sum_norm_psi_squared * real(nBasis, dp) * real(StepsSft, dp))
print *, "total spin difference (should have to do with Ms!)"
print *, 2.0_dp * sum(sum_spin_diff) / &
(sum_norm_psi_squared * real(nbasis, dp) * real(StepsSft, dp))
end if
call deallocate_spin_measurements()
end subroutine finalize_double_occ_and_spin_diff