function find_minority_spin(spins) result(opp)
! for now, given 3 spin orbitals, where 2 share a spin, this function
! returns the opposite spin
integer, intent(in) :: spins(:)
integer :: opp
#ifdef DEBUG_
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "find_minority_spin"
integer :: i
! for now, do it only for 3 inputted spins:
ASSERT(size(spins) == 3)
ASSERT(sum(get_spin_pn(spins)) == -1 .or. sum(get_spin_pn(spins)) == 1)
opp = -1
if (sum(get_spin_pn(spins)) == -1) then
! then we have 2 beta and 1 alpha
do i = 1, size(spins)
if (is_alpha(spins(i))) opp = spins(i)
end do
! we have 2 alpha and 1 beta
do i = 1, size(spins)
if (is_beta(spins(i))) opp = spins(i)
end do
end if
end function find_minority_spin