subroutine FindandUsetheForce(TotForce, TotDiffCoeffs, CoeffT2)
! This takes the current lambdas with the derivatives of the constraints and calculates a force
! for each cm, with an orthonormalisation correction.
! This is then used to rotate the coefficients by a defined timestep.
integer :: a, m, Symm, w, SymMin, TempMaxOccVirt
real(dp) :: TotForce, TotDiffCoeffs
HElement_t(dp) :: CoeffT2(NoOrbs, NoOrbs)
call set_timer(findandusetheforce_time, 30)
if (tSeparateOccVirt) then
TempMaxOccVirt = 2
TempMaxOccVirt = 1
end if
do w = 1, TempMaxOccVirt
! The force will be zero on those coefficients not being mixed,
! but still want to run over all, so that the diagonal 1 values
! are maintained.
if (w == 1) then
SymMin = 1
MinMZ = 1
if (tSeparateOccVirt) then
MaxMZ = NoOcc
MaxMZ = NoOrbs
end if
SymMin = 9
MinMZ = NoOcc + 1
MaxMZ = NoOrbs
end if
do m = MinMZ, MaxMZ
if (tStoreSpinOrbs) then
SymM = int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(m))%sym%S)
SymM = int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(m) * 2)%sym%S)
end if
do a = SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, SymM + SymMin), &
(SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, SymM + SymMin) + &
SymLabelCounts2_rot(2, SymM + SymMin) - 1)
! find the corrected force. (in the case where the uncorrected force
!is required, correction is set to 0.
! DerivCoeff(m,a) is the derivative of the relevant potential energy w.r.t
!cm without any constraints (no lambda terms).
! ForceCorrect is then the latest force on coefficients. This is
!iteratively being corrected so that
! it will finally move the coefficients so that they remain orthonormal.
ForceCorrect(a, m) = DerivCoeff(a, m) - Correction(a, m)
CoeffT2(a, m) = CoeffT1(a, m) - (TimeStep * ForceCorrect(a, m))
! Using the force to calculate the coefficients at time T2
! (hopefully more orthonomal than those calculated in the
! previous iteration).
! Calculate parameters for printing
TotForce = TotForce + ABS(ForceCorrect(a, m))
TotDiffCoeffs = TotDiffCoeffs + ABS(CoeffT2(a, m) - CoeffT1(a, m))
end do
end do
end do
TotForce = TotForce / (real(NoOrbs**2, dp))
call halt_timer(findandusetheforce_time)
end subroutine FindandUsetheForce