FindNumForbiddenOrbs Subroutine

public subroutine FindNumForbiddenOrbs(ForbiddenOrbs, ClassCountUnocc2, SymProduct, iSpn, SumMl)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(out) :: ForbiddenOrbs
integer, intent(in) :: ClassCountUnocc2(ScratchSize)
integer, intent(in) :: SymProduct
integer, intent(in) :: iSpn
integer, intent(in) :: SumMl


Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE FindNumForbiddenOrbs(ForbiddenOrbs, ClassCountUnocc2, SymProduct, iSpn, SumMl)
        integer, intent(in) :: ClassCountUnocc2(ScratchSize)
        integer, intent(in) :: SumMl, iSpn, SymProduct
        integer, intent(out) :: ForbiddenOrbs
        integer :: i, k, Ind, AllowedOrbs, SymInd, OrbAMl, SymOrbs, ConjSym

        ForbiddenOrbs = 0

        IF (tFixLz) THEN

            AllowedOrbs = 0
            IF (iSpn == 2) THEN
                Ind = 1
                do k = -iMaxLz, iMaxLz
                    OrbAMl = SumMl - k
                    IF ((k <= OrbAMl) .and. (abs(OrbAMl) <= iMaxLz)) THEN
                        do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1
                            SymInd = ClassCountInd(1, IEOR(SymProduct, i), OrbAMl)  !Alpha of the corresponding a orbital
                            IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) /= 0) THEN
                                !Check the beta conjugate orbital
                                SymOrbs = ClassCountUnocc2(SymInd + 1)
                                IF (SymOrbs /= 0) THEN
                                    IF (k == OrbAMl) THEN
                                        !The Ml symmetries are the same! Don't double count.
                                        AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + SymOrbs
                                        AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + SymOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(Ind)
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if
                            IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind + 1) /= 0) THEN
                                SymOrbs = ClassCountUnocc2(SymInd)
                                IF (SymOrbs /= 0) THEN
                                    IF (k == OrbAMl) THEN
                                        !The Ml symmetries are the same! Don't double count.
                                        AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + SymOrbs
                                        AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + SymOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(Ind + 1)
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if
                            Ind = Ind + 2
                        end do
                        !Move onto the next k-block of B orbitals.
                        Ind = Ind + nSymLabels * 2
                    end if
                end do
                ForbiddenOrbs = nBasis - NEl - AllowedOrbs
            else if (iSpn == 3) THEN  !alpha/alpha - run through all alpha orbitals
                Ind = 1
                do k = -iMaxLz, iMaxLz
                    OrbAMl = SumMl - k
                    IF ((k <= OrbAMl) .and. (abs(OrbAMl) <= iMaxLz)) THEN
                        do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1
                            IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) /= 0) THEN
                                IF ((SymProduct == 0) .and. (OrbAMl == k)) THEN
                                    IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) > 1) THEN
                                        AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(Ind)
                                    end if
                                    SymOrbs = ClassCountUnocc2(ClassCountInd(1, IEOR(SymProduct, i), OrbAMl))
                                    IF (SymOrbs /= 0) THEN
                                        IF (k == OrbAMl) THEN
                                            !The Ml symmetries are the same! Don't double count.
                                            AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + SymOrbs
                                            AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + SymOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(Ind)
                                        end if
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if
                            Ind = Ind + 2
                        end do
                        Ind = Ind + nSymLabels * 2
                    end if
                end do
                ForbiddenOrbs = (nBasis / 2) - nOccAlpha - AllowedOrbs
                Ind = 2
                do k = -iMaxLz, iMaxLz
                    OrbAMl = SumMl - k
                    IF ((k <= OrbAMl) .and. (abs(OrbAMl) <= iMaxLz)) THEN
                        do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1
                            IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) /= 0) THEN
                                IF ((SymProduct == 0) .and. (OrbAMl == k)) THEN
                                    IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) > 1) THEN
                                        AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(Ind)
                                    end if
                                    SymOrbs = ClassCountUnocc2(ClassCountInd(2, IEOR(SymProduct, i), OrbAMl))
                                    IF (SymOrbs /= 0) THEN
                                        IF (k == OrbAMl) THEN
                                            !The Ml symmetries are the same! Don't double count.
                                            AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + SymOrbs
                                            AllowedOrbs = AllowedOrbs + SymOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(Ind)
                                        end if
                                    end if
                                end if
                            end if
                            Ind = Ind + 2
                        end do
                        Ind = Ind + nSymLabels * 2
                    end if
                end do
                ForbiddenOrbs = (nBasis / 2) - nOccBeta - AllowedOrbs
            end if

            !Not Lz symmetry...
            IF (iSpn == 2) THEN
!                write(stdout,*) "Alpha/Beta"
!i,j are an alpha/beta pair. The number of forbidden orbitals includes all alphas and betas.

                Ind = 1

                do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1
!Run though all symmetries of possible "a" orbital syms. If there aren't any, then we
!know the corresponding "b" orbitals are excluded.
                    IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 0) THEN
!This symmetry has no unoccupied alpha orbitals - does its symmetry conjugate have any
!unoccupied beta orbitals which are now forbidden?
!If there are no unoccupied orbitals in this conjugate symmetry, then it won't increase
!the forbidden orbital number, since it can never be chosen.
!                        ConjSym=IEOR(SymProduct,i)
                        ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(ClassCountInd(2,   &
                &           RandExcitSymLabelProd(SymProduct, SymInvLabel(i)), 0))
                        !No unocc alphas in i, therefore all betas in ConjSym are forbidden
!                        write(stdout,*) ClassCountUnocc2(2,ConjSym),i,ConjSym
                    end if
                    IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind + 1) == 0) THEN
!This symmetry has no unoccupied beta orbitals - does its symmetry conjugate have any
!unoccupied alpha orbitals which are now forbidden?
!If there are no unoccupied orbitals in this conjugate symmetry, then it won't increase
!the forbidden orbital number, since it can never be chosen.
                        ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(ClassCountInd(1,   &
                &           RandExcitSymLabelProd(SymProduct, SymInvLabel(i)), 0))
                    end if
                    Ind = Ind + 2
                end do

            else if (iSpn == 1) THEN
                Ind = 2
                IF (.not. tKPntSym) THEN
                    !With molecular systems, the irreps are their own inverses, so it is a little simpler to do the
                    !two cases seperately.
                    IF (SymProduct /= 0) THEN
!i,j are a beta/beta pair. The number of forbidden orbitals is just betas
                        do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1
                            IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 0) THEN
                                !                            ConjSym=IEOR(SymProduct,i)
                                ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(ClassCountInd(2, RandExcitSymLabelProd(SymProduct, i), 0))
                            end if
                            Ind = Ind + 2
                        end do
!There is a subtle point here, which could change the probabilities.
!If the symmetry product of the occupied orbitals is 0, then the a,b pair want to be taken from the same class.
!This means that if there is only one spin-allowed orbital in that class, it has no symmetry-allowed pairs, and so is forbidden.
                        do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1
                            IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 1) THEN
!The one beta orbital in this class is forbidden, since it cannot form a pair.
                                ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + 1
                            end if
                            Ind = Ind + 2
                        end do
                    end if
                    !With KPntSym, we have to work out if we are in the case that sym_a^* = sym_b
                    !Unfortunately, I don't think you can tell from SymProduct when this case is going to be satisfied.
                    do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1        !Run over symmetries of the orbitals
                        IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) <= 1) THEN
                            ConjSym = RandExcitSymLabelProd(SymProduct, SymInvLabel(i))
                            IF (ConjSym == i) THEN
                                !A and B come from the same symmetry, so we must have more than one
                                !orbitals available from there..
                                IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 1) THEN
!The one beta orbital in this class is forbidden, since it cannot form a pair.
                                    ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + 1
                                end if
                                IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 0) THEN
                                    ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(ClassCountInd(2, ConjSym, 0))
                                end if
                            end if
                        end if

                        Ind = Ind + 2
                    end do
                end if

            else if (iSpn == 3) THEN
                Ind = 1
                IF (.not. tKPntSym) THEN
                    IF (SymProduct /= 0) THEN
!i,j are a alpha/alpha pair. The number of forbidden orbitals is just alphas
                        do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1
                            IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 0) THEN
                                ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(ClassCountInd(1, IEOR(SymProduct, i), 0))
                            end if
                            Ind = Ind + 2
                        end do
!There is a subtle point here, which could change the probabilities.
!If the symmetry product of the occupied orbitals is 0, then the a,b pair want to be taken from the same class.
!This means that if there is only one spin-allowed orbital in that class, it has no symmetry-allowed pairs, and so is forbidden.
                        do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1
                            IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 1) THEN
!The one alpha orbital in this class is forbidden, since it cannot form a pair.
                                ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + 1
                            end if
                            Ind = Ind + 2
                        end do
                    end if
                    !With KPntSym, we have to work out if we are in the case that sym_a^* = sym_b
                    !Unfortunately, I don't think you can tell from SymProduct when this case is going to be satisfied.
                    do i = 0, nSymLabels - 1        !Run over symmetries of the orbitals
                        IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) <= 1) THEN
                            ConjSym = RandExcitSymLabelProd(SymProduct, SymInvLabel(i))
                            IF (ConjSym == i) THEN
                                !A and B come from the same symmetry, so we must have more than one
                                !orbitals available from there..
                                IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 1) THEN
!The one beta orbital in this class is forbidden, since it cannot form a pair.
                                    ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + 1
                                end if
                                IF (ClassCountUnocc2(Ind) == 0) THEN
                                    !There aren't any a's in this pair of syms, so the b's are forbidden
                                    ForbiddenOrbs = ForbiddenOrbs + ClassCountUnocc2(ClassCountInd(1, ConjSym, 0))
                                end if
                            end if
                        end if
                        Ind = Ind + 2
                    end do
                end if
            end if
        end if

    END SUBROUTINE FindNumForbiddenOrbs