FindSymMCSizeofSpace Subroutine

public subroutine FindSymMCSizeofSpace(IUNIT)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: IUNIT


Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE FindSymMCSizeofSpace(IUNIT)
        use SymData, only: TwoCycleSymGens
        use SystemData, only: nEl, G1, nBasis, nOccAlpha, nOccBeta, tMolpro
        use SystemData, only: tUEG, tHPHF, tHub, tKPntSym, Symmetry
        use SystemData, only: CalcDetCycles, CalcDetPrint, tFixLz
        use CalcData, only: tTruncNOpen, trunc_nopen_max, &
                            t_trunc_nopen_diff, trunc_nopen_diff
        use DeterminantData, only: FDet
        use DetCalcData, only: ICILevel
        use dSFMT_interface
        use soft_exit, only: ChangeVars, tSoftExitFound
        use Parallel_neci
        use DetBitops, only: EncodeBitDet, IsAllowedHPHF, count_open_orbs
        use bit_rep_data, only: NIfTot
        use sym_mod, only: SymProd
        use fcimcdata, only: ilutRef
        INTEGER :: IUNIT, j, SpatOrbs, FDetMom, ExcitLev
        INTEGER(KIND=n_int) :: FDetiLut(0:NIfTot), iLut(0:NIfTot)
        INTEGER :: FDetSym, TotalSym, TotalMom, alpha, beta, ierr, Momx, Momy
        INTEGER :: Momz, nopenorbs, Space_unit
        integer(int64) :: Accept, AcceptAll, i
        integer(int64) :: ExcitBin(0:NEl), ExcitBinAll(0:NEl)
        real(dp) :: FullSpace, r, Frac
        real(dp) :: SizeLevel(0:NEl)
        LOGICAL :: truncate_space, tDummy, tDummy2
        LOGICAL :: tNotAllowed, tAcc
        type(Symmetry) :: FDetKPntMom, KPntMom

        write(IUNIT, *) "Calculating exact size of symmetry-allowed " &
            //"determinant space using MC..."
        write(IUNIT, *) CalcDetCycles, " MC cycles will be used, and " &
            //"statistics printed out every ", CalcDetPrint, " cycles."
        FDetSym = 0
        FDetMom = 0
        ExcitBin(:) = 0
        ExcitBinAll(:) = 0
        Momx = 0
        Momy = 0
        Momz = 0
        FDetKPntMom%S = 0

        do i = 1, NEl
            IF (tFixLz) FDetMom = FDetMom + G1(FDet(i))%Ml
            if (tKPntSym) FDetKPntMom = Symprod(FDetKPntMom, G1(FDet(i))%Sym)
            IF (tUEG .or. tHub) THEN
                Momx = Momx + G1(FDet(i))%k(1)
                Momy = Momy + G1(FDet(i))%k(2)
                Momz = Momz + G1(FDet(i))%k(3)
                FDetSym = IEOR(FDetSym, int(G1(FDet(i))%Sym%S))
            end if
        end do

        IF (.not. ((Momx == 0) .and. (Momy == 0) .and. (Momz == 0))) THEN
            write(stdout, *) "Momx: ", Momx, "Momy: ", Momy, "Momz: ", Momz
            call stop_all("FindSymMCSizeofSpace", "Cannot calculate MC size of space with non-zero momentum")
        end if

        IF (ICILevel > 0) THEN
            truncate_space = .true.
            truncate_space = .false.
        end if

        CALL EncodeBitDet(FDet, FDetiLut)

        write(IUNIT, *) "Symmetry of HF determinant is: ", FDetSym
        IF (tFixLz) THEN
            write(IUNIT, *) "Imposing momentum sym on size calculation"
            write(IUNIT, *) "Momentum of HF determinant is: ", FDetMom
        end if
        if (tKPntSym) then
            write(iunit, *) "Using k-point symmetry."
            write(iunit, *) "K-point sym of HF determinant is: ", FDetKPntMom%S
        end if
        IF (tHPHF) THEN
            write(stdout, *) "Imposing time-reversal symmetry (HPHF) on " &
                //"size of space calculation"
        end if

        SpatOrbs = nBasis / 2

        Accept = 0

        FullSpace = choose_i64(SpatOrbs, nOccAlpha)
        FullSpace = FullSpace * choose_i64(SpatOrbs, nOccBeta)

        write(IUNIT, *) "Size of space neglecting all but Sz symmetry: " &
            , FullSpace

        CALL neci_flush(IUNIT)

        IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
            Space_unit = get_free_unit()
            OPEN (Space_unit, file="SpaceMCStats", status='unknown', &
        end if

        ! With MerTwistRan the default seed was being used.
        ! dSFMT does not initialise itself if not already initialised.
        call dSFMT_init(5489)

        do i = 1, CalcDetCycles

            KPntMom%S = 0
            TotalSym = 0
            TotalMom = 0
            ExcitLev = 0
            Momx = 0
            Momy = 0
            Momz = 0
            iLut(:) = 0

            !Create random determinant (Correct Sz symmetry)
            !Loop over alpha electrons
            do j = 1, nOccAlpha

                tNotAllowed = .true.
                do while (tNotAllowed)

                    r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                    alpha = 2 * (INT(SpatOrbs * r) + 1)
                    IF (.not. BTEST(iLut((alpha - 1) / bits_n_int), mod((alpha - 1), bits_n_int))) THEN
                        !Has *not* been picked before
                        iLut((alpha - 1) / bits_n_int) = &
                            IBSET(iLut((alpha - 1) / bits_n_int), mod(alpha - 1, bits_n_int))
                        tNotAllowed = .false.
                    end if
                end do

                IF (tFixLz) THEN
                    TotalMom = TotalMom + G1(alpha)%Ml
                end if
                IF (tUEG .or. tHub) THEN
                    Momx = Momx + G1(alpha)%k(1)
                    Momy = Momy + G1(alpha)%k(2)
                    Momz = Momz + G1(alpha)%k(3)
                else if (tKPntSym) then
                    KPntMom = Symprod(KPntMom, G1(alpha)%Sym)
                    TotalSym = IEOR(TotalSym, int((G1(alpha)%Sym%S)))
                end if
                IF (.not. BTEST(FDetiLut((alpha - 1) / bits_n_int), mod((alpha - 1), bits_n_int))) THEN
                    !orbital chosen is *not* in the reference determinant
                    ExcitLev = ExcitLev + 1
                end if

            end do

            !Loop over beta electrons
            do j = 1, nOccBeta

                tNotAllowed = .true.
                do while (tNotAllowed)
                    r = genrand_real2_dSFMT()
                    beta = 2 * (INT(SpatOrbs * r) + 1) - 1
                    IF (.not. BTEST(iLut((beta - 1) / bits_n_int), mod((beta - 1), bits_n_int))) THEN
                        !Has *not* been picked before
                        iLut((beta - 1) / bits_n_int) = &
                            IBSET(iLut((beta - 1) / bits_n_int), mod(beta - 1, bits_n_int))
                        tNotAllowed = .false.
                    end if
                end do

                IF (tFixLz) THEN
                    TotalMom = TotalMom + G1(beta)%Ml
                end if
                IF (tUEG .or. tHub) THEN
                    Momx = Momx + G1(beta)%k(1)
                    Momy = Momy + G1(beta)%k(2)
                    Momz = Momz + G1(beta)%k(3)
                else if (tKPntSym) then
                    KPntMom = Symprod(KPntMom, G1(beta)%Sym)
                    TotalSym = IEOR(TotalSym, int((G1(beta)%Sym%S)))
                end if
                IF (.not. BTEST(FDetiLut((beta - 1) / bits_n_int), mod((beta - 1), bits_n_int))) THEN
                    !orbital chosen is *not* in the reference determinant
                    ExcitLev = ExcitLev + 1
                end if

            end do

            if (tTruncNOpen .or. t_trunc_nopen_diff) nOpenOrbs = count_open_orbs(iLut)

            tAcc = .true.
            if (TotalSym /= FDetSym) then
                tAcc = .false.
            end if

            if (tAcc .and. tHPHF) then
                if (.not. IsAllowedHPHF(iLut)) then
                    tAcc = .false.
                end if
            end if

            if (tAcc .and. tFixLz) then
                if (TotalMom /= FDetMom) then
                    tAcc = .false.
                end if
            end if

            if (tAcc .and. truncate_space) then
                if (ExcitLev > ICILevel) then
                    tAcc = .false.
                end if
            end if

            if (tAcc .and. (tUEG .or. tHub)) then
                if ((Momx /= 0) .or. (Momy /= 0) .or. (Momz /= 0)) then
                    tAcc = .false.
                end if
            end if

            if (tAcc .and. (tKPntSym)) then
                if (KPntMom%S /= FDetKPntMom%S) then
                    tAcc = .false.
                end if
            end if

            if (tAcc .and. tTruncNOpen) then
                if (nOpenOrbs > trunc_nopen_max) then
                    tAcc = .false.
                end if
            end if

            if (tAcc .and. t_trunc_nopen_diff) then
                if (abs(nOpenOrbs - count_open_orbs(ilutRef(:, 1))) > trunc_nopen_diff) then
                    tAcc = .false.
                end if
            end if

            if (tAcc) Accept = Accept + 1

            IF (tAcc) THEN
!Add to correct bin for the excitation level
                ExcitBin(ExcitLev) = ExcitBin(ExcitLev) + 1
            end if

            IF (mod(i, CalcDetPrint) == 0) THEN
                !Write out statistics
                call MPIAllReduce(Accept, MPI_SUM, AcceptAll)
                call MPIAllReduce(ExcitBin(0:NEl), MPI_SUM, ExcitBinAll(0:NEl))

                Frac = REAL(AcceptAll, dp) / REAL(i * nProcessors, dp)
                do j = 0, NEl
                    SizeLevel(j) = (REAL(ExcitBinAll(j), dp) / REAL(AcceptAll, dp)) * Frac * FullSpace
                end do
                IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
                    if (tMolpro) then
                        write(Space_unit, "(I16,G35.15)") i, Frac * FullSpace
                        write(Space_unit, "(2I16,2G35.15)", advance='no') i, AcceptAll, Frac, Frac * FullSpace
                        do j = 0, NEl
                            write(Space_unit, "(F30.5)", advance='no') SizeLevel(j)
                        end do
                        write(Space_unit, "(A)") ""
                    end if
                end if

                AcceptAll = 0
                ExcitBinAll(0:NEl) = 0

                CALL ChangeVars(tDummy, tDummy2)
                IF (tSoftExitFound) EXIT

            end if

        end do

        call MPIAllReduce(Accept, MPI_SUM, AcceptAll)
        call MPIAllReduce(ExcitBin(0:NEl), MPI_SUM, ExcitBinAll(0:NEl))

        Frac = REAL(AcceptAll, dp) / REAL(i * nProcessors, dp)
        do j = 0, NEl
            SizeLevel(j) = (REAL(ExcitBinAll(j), dp) / REAL(AcceptAll, dp)) * Frac * FullSpace
        end do

        IF (iProcIndex == 0) THEN
            if (tMolpro) then
                write(Space_unit, "(I16,G35.15)") i, Frac * FullSpace
                write(Space_unit, "(2I16,2G35.15)", advance='no') i, AcceptAll, Frac, Frac * FullSpace
                do j = 0, NEl
                    write(Space_unit, "(F30.5)", advance='no') SizeLevel(j)
                end do
                write(Space_unit, "(A)") ""
            end if
        end if

        write(IUNIT, *) "MC size of space: ", Frac * FullSpace
        write(IUNIT, *) "Individual excitation level contributions: "
        do j = 0, NEl
            write(IUNIT, "(I5,F30.5)") j, SizeLevel(j)
        end do
        CALL neci_flush(IUNIT)

    END SUBROUTINE FindSymMCSizeofSpace