FindTheForce Subroutine

public subroutine FindTheForce()




Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine FindTheForce()

        integer :: m, z, i, j, k, l, a, Symm, w, x, y, SymMin
        real(dp) :: OffDiagForcemz, DiagForcemz, OneElForcemz, LambdaTerm1, LambdaTerm2
        real(dp) :: NonDerivTerm, DerivPot
        logical :: leqm, jeqm, keqm

        ! Running over m and z, covers all matrix elements of the force matrix (derivative
        ! of equation we are minimising, with respect to each translation coefficient) filling
        ! them in as it goes.
        call set_timer(FindtheForce_time, 30)

        DerivCoeff(:, :) = 0.0_dp
        Force = 0.0_dp
        ForceInts = 0.0_dp
        OrthoForce = 0.0_dp
        OffDiagForceMZ = 0
        SymMin = 0
        i = 0

        ! If the orbitals are being separated, do this whole loop twice, once for occupied and once for virtual
        ! i.e w  =  1, 2. Otherwise do them all at once.
        do w = MinOccVirt, MaxOccVirt
            if (w == 1) then
                SymMin = 1
                MinMZ = 1
                if (tSeparateOccVirt) then
                    MaxMZ = NoOcc
                    MaxMZ = NoOrbs
                end if
                SymMin = 9
                MinMZ = NoOcc + 1
                MaxMZ = NoOrbs
            end if
! If we are localising the occupied and virtual orbitals separately, the above block ensures that we loop over
! first the occupied then the virtual.  If we are not separating the orbitals we just run over all orbitals.

            do m = MinMZ, MaxMZ
                if (tStoreSpinOrbs) then
                    SymM = int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(m))%sym%S)
                    SymM = int(G1(SymLabelList2_rot(m) * 2)%sym%S)
                end if
                do z = SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, SymM + SymMin), &
                    (SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, SymM + SymMin) + &
                     SymLabelCounts2_rot(2, SymM + SymMin) - 1)

                    ! Find the force on a coefficient c(m,z).
                    OffDiagForcemz = 0.0_dp
                    ! OffDiagForce is from any of the OffDiagMin/Max (Sqrd or not), or the double/single excitation
                    ! max/min, as only one of these terms may be used at once.

                    DiagForcemz = 0.0_dp
                    ! DiagForce includes ER localisation, and the coulomb terms <ij|ij>.

                    OneElForcemz = 0.0_dp
                    ! OneElForce includes that from the one electron integrals <i|h|j> and the one particle orbital
                    ! energies.

                    ! DIAG TERMS
                    ! Maximise <ii|ii>, self interaction terms.
                    if (tERLocalization .and. (.not. tStoreSpinOrbs)) then
                        DiagForcemz = DiagForcemz + (2 * ThreeIndInts01ER(z, m)) + (2 * ThreeIndInts02ER(z, m))
                        ! Derivative of <ii|ii> only non-zero when i = m.
                        ! each of the four terms then correspond to zeta  =  a, b, g, then d in the unrotated basis.
                    else if (tERLocalization) then
                        ! Looking at <ij|ij> terms where j = i+1 (i.e. i is alpha of spin orbital and j is beta - or vice versa).
                        if (tStoreSpinOrbs) then
                            if (MOD(m, 2) == 0) then      ! m  =  j
                                i = m - 1
                                DiagForcemz = DiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts01(m, i, i, z) + ThreeIndInts01(z, i, i, m) + &
                                              ThreeIndInts01(i, m, z, i) + ThreeIndInts01(i, z, m, i)
                                j = m + 1
                                DiagForcemz = DiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts01(m, j, j, z) + ThreeIndInts01(z, j, j, m) + &
                                              ThreeIndInts01(j, m, z, j) + ThreeIndInts01(j, z, m, j)
                            end if
                            DiagForcemz = DiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts01(m, m, m, z) + ThreeIndInts02(m, m, m, z) + &
                                          ThreeIndInts03(m, m, m, z) + ThreeIndInts04(m, m, m, z)
                        end if
                        ! First term when m = i and z = a, second when m = i and z = g.
                    end if

                    ! Maximise <ij|ij>, coulomb terms, where i<j, i occ or virt, j virt only.
                    if (tVirtCoulombMax) then
                        do i = 1, NoOrbs
                            if (i == m) then
                                do j = NoOcc + 1, NoOrbs
                                    if (j <= i) cycle        ! i<j.
                                    DiagForcemz = DiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts01(m, j, j, z) + ThreeIndInts03(m, j, j, z)
                                    ! First term for when m = i and z = a, second when m = i and z = g.
                                end do
                            end if
                            if ((m > NoOcc) .and. (m > i)) DiagForcemz = &
                                DiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts02(i, i, m, z) + ThreeIndInts04(i, i, m, z)
                            ! This only contributes when j = m (no point in running over all j.
                            ! First term when m = j and z = b, second when m = j and z = d.
                        end do
                    end if

                    ! ONE ELECTRON TERMS
                    ! Minimise |<i|h|j>|^2 where either one or bot of i and j are virtual, but i<j.
                    if (tHijSqrdMin) then
                        do j = NoOcc + 1, NoOrbs
                            if (m /= j) OneElForcemz = OneElForcemz + (2 * TMAT2DRot(m, j) * TMAT2DPartRot02(z, j))
                            ! m = i and z = a.
                        end do
                        do i = NoOcc + 1, NoOrbs
                            if (m /= i) OneElForcemz = OneElForcemz + (2 * TMAT2DRot(i, m) * TMAT2DPartRot01(i, z))
                            ! m = j and z = b
                        end do
                    end if

                    ! OnePartOrbEnMax ; Maximisie sum_i [E_i - E_min]^Alpha
                    ! where E_i  =  <i|h|i> + sum_j <ij||ij> and E_min is either E_LUMO (rotating virtual only) or the chemical
                    ! potential (midway between LUMO and HOMO, when rotating all), Alpha specified in input.
                    ! The derivative of the one part orb energies is then Alpha * NonDerivTerm * DerivPot^(Alpha-1)

                    ! OneElIntMax ; Maximise <i|h|i>
                    if (tOnePartOrbEnMax .or. tOneElIntMax) then
                        do i = NoOcc + 1, NoOrbs
                            DerivPot = 0.0_dp
                            DerivPot = DerivPot + TMAT2DPartRot02(z, m) + TMAT2DPartRot01(m, z)
                            ! First term when m = i and z = a, second when m = i and z = b.
                            ! This is all that is needed for OneElIntMax

                            if (tOnePartOrbEnMax) then
                                NonDerivTerm = 0.0_dp
                                if (.not. (OrbEnMaxAlpha.isclose.1.0_dp)) then
                                    ! The non-derived term in the chain rule, <i|h|i> + sum_j <ij||ij> - E_min.
                                    NonDerivTerm = NonDerivTerm + TMAT2DRot(i, i) - EpsilonMin
                                    do j = 1, NoOcc
                                        NonDerivTerm = NonDerivTerm + (2 * FourIndInts(i, j, i, j)) - FourIndInts(i, j, j, i)
                                    end do
                                    NonDerivTerm = OrbEnMaxAlpha * (NonDerivTerm**(OrbEnMaxAlpha - 1))
                                    ! If Alpha  =  1, the NonDerivTerm will be raised to the power of 0, thus always 1.
                                    NonDerivTerm = 1.0
                                end if
                                if (i == m) then
                                    do j = 1, NoOcc
                                        DerivPot = DerivPot + (2 * ThreeIndInts01(m, j, j, z)) - ThreeIndInts01(j, j, m, z) + &
                                                   (2 * ThreeIndInts03(m, j, j, z)) - ThreeIndInts03(m, j, z, j)
                                        ! First part is for when m = i and z = a, the second is for when m = i and z = g
                                    end do
                                end if
                                ! When m = j, for a particular i.
                                ! m and z run only over virtual, and j is over occupied. m will never  =  j.
                                NonDerivTerm = 1.0_dp
                            end if

                            OneElForcemz = OneElForcemz + (NonDerivTerm * DerivPot)
                        end do
                    end if

                    ! OFFDIAGTERMS
                    ! Maximises the square of the single and double excitation integrals connected to the HF.
                    ! I.e maximises <ij|kl> where i, j are occupied and k, l are virtual (doubles), except k may be occuppied if
                    ! equal to i (<ij|il> singles).
                    ! Currently this is only used for rotating virtual only, so m can only equal k or l.
                    if (tHFSingDoubExcMax) then
                        do i = 1, NoOcc
                            do j = 1, NoOcc
                                do k = NoOcc + 1, NoOrbs
                                    if (k == m) then
                                        do l = NoOcc + 1, NoOrbs
                                            OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + (2 * FourIndInts(i, j, m, l) * ThreeIndInts03(i, j, l, z))
                                            ! m = k and z = g.
                                        end do
                                    end if

                                    OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + (2 * FourIndInts(i, j, k, m) * ThreeIndInts04(i, k, j, z))
                                    ! m = l and z = d.

                                    ! Sing excitations <ij|il> where i and j are occ, l virt.
                                    OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + (2 * FourIndInts(i, j, i, m) * ThreeIndInts04(i, i, j, z))
                                    ! m = l
                                end do
                            end do
                        end do
                    end if

                    ! OffDiag Sqrd/notSqrd Min/Max treats the elements <ij|kl>
                    ! i<k and j<l.
                    if (tOffDiagSqrdMin .or. tOffDiagSqrdMax .or. tOffDiagMin .or. tOffDiagMax .or. tDoubExcMin) then
                        do l = 1, NoOrbs
                            if (l == m) then
                                leqm = .true.
                                leqm = .false.
                            end if
                            do j = 1, l - 1
                                if (j == m) then
                                    jeqm = .true.
                                    jeqm = .false.
                                end if
                                do k = 1, j - 1
                                    if (k == l) cycle
                                    if (k == m) then
                                        keqm = .true.
                                        keqm = .false.
                                    end if
                                    ! only i with symmetry equal to j x k x l will have integrals with overall
                                    ! symmetry A1 and therefore be non-zero.

                                    ! Running across i, ThreeIndInts01 only contributes
                                    if ((m <= k - 1) .and. (m /= j) .and. ((i /= k) .or. (j /= l))) then
                                        if (tOffDiagSqrdMin .or. tOffDiagSqrdMax) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + 2 * &
                                                                                    (FourIndInts02(j, k, l, m) * ThreeIndInts01(k, j, l, z))
                                        if (tOffDiagMin .or. tOffDiagMax) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts01(k, j, l, z)
                                        if (tDoubExcMin) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts01(k, j, l, z) - &
                                                                          ThreeIndInts01(l, j, k, z)
                                    end if

                                    if (jeqm) then
                                        do i = 1, k - 1
                                            if ((i /= j) .and. ((i /= k) .or. (j /= l))) then
                                                if (tOffDiagSqrdMin .or. tOffDiagSqrdMax) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + 2 * &
                                                                                      (FourIndInts(i, j, k, l) * ThreeIndInts02(i, k, l, z))
                                                if (tOffDiagMin .or. tOffDiagMax) &
                                                    OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts02(i, k, l, z)
                                                if (tDoubExcMin) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + (ThreeIndInts02(i, k, l, z)) - &
                                                                                  ThreeIndInts02(i, l, k, z)
                                            end if
                                        end do
                                    end if

                                    if (keqm) then
                                        do i = 1, k - 1
                                            if ((i /= j) .and. ((i /= k) .or. (j /= l))) then
                                                if (tOffDiagSqrdMin .or. tOffDiagSqrdMax) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + 2 * &
                                                                                      (FourIndInts(i, j, k, l) * ThreeIndInts03(i, j, l, z))
                                                if (tOffDiagMin .or. tOffDiagSqrdMax) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + &
                                                                                                       ThreeIndInts03(i, j, l, z)
                                                if (tDoubExcMin) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + (ThreeIndInts03(i, j, l, z)) - &
                                                                                  ThreeIndInts03(i, j, z, l)
                                            end if
                                        end do
                                    end if

                                    if (leqm) then
                                        do i = 1, k - 1
                                            if ((i /= j) .and. ((i /= k) .or. (j /= l))) then
                                                if (tOffDiagSqrdMin .or. tOffDiagSqrdMin) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + 2 * &
                                                                                      (FourIndInts(i, j, k, l) * ThreeIndInts04(i, k, j, z))
                                                if (tOffDiagMin .or. tOffDiagMax) &
                                                    OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + ThreeIndInts04(i, k, j, z)
                                                if (tDoubExcMin) OffDiagForcemz = OffDiagForcemz + (ThreeIndInts04(i, k, j, z)) - &
                                                                                  ThreeIndInts04(i, z, j, k)
                                            end if
                                        end do
                                    end if
                                end do
                            end do
                        end do
                    end if
                    DerivCoeff(z, m) = (MaxMinFac * OffDiagWeight * OffDiagForcemz) + (DiagMaxMinFac * DiagWeight * DiagForcemz) + &
                                       (OneElMaxMinFac * OneElWeight * OneElForcemz)
                    Force = Force + ABS(DerivCoeff(z, m))
                end do
            end do
        end do

        Force = Force / real(NoOrbs**2, dp)

! Calculate the derivatives of orthogonalisation condition.
! Have taken this out of the m and z loop to make the shake faster, but can put it back in if start using it a lot.
        if (tLagrange) then
            do x = MinMZ, MaxMZ
                m = SymLabelList2_rot(x)
! Symmetry requirement that z must be from the same irrep as m
                SymM = int(G1(m * 2)%sym%S)
                do y = SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, SymM + SymMin), &
                    (SymLabelCounts2_rot(1, SymM + SymMin) + &
                     SymLabelCounts2_rot(2, SymM + SymMin) - 1)
                    z = SymLabelList2_rot(y)

                    LambdaTerm1 = 0.0_dp
                    LambdaTerm2 = 0.0_dp

                    do j = 1, NoOrbs
                        LambdaTerm1 = LambdaTerm1 + (Lambdas(m, j) * CoeffT1(z, j))
                        LambdaTerm2 = LambdaTerm2 + (Lambdas(j, m) * CoeffT1(z, j))
                    end do

! DerivCoeff is 'the force'.  I.e. the derivative of |<ij|kl>|^2 with
! respect to each transformation coefficient.  It is the values of this matrix that will tend to 0 as
! we minimise the sum of the |<ij|kl>|^2 values.
! With the Lagrange keyword this includes orthonormality conditions, otherwise it is simply the unconstrained force.
                    DerivCoeff(z, m) = (2 * OffDiagForcemz) - LambdaTerm1 - LambdaTerm2
                    OrthoForce = OrthoForce - LambdaTerm1 - LambdaTerm2
                end do
            end do

! If doing a Lagrange calc we also need to find the force on the lambdas to ensure orthonormality...
            OrthoForce = OrthoForce / real(NoOrbs**2, dp)
            DerivLambda(:, :) = 0.0_dp
            do i = 1, NoOrbs
                do j = 1, i
                    do a = 1, NoOrbs
                        DerivLambda(i, j) = DerivLambda(i, j) + CoeffT1(a, i) * CoeffT1(a, j)
                    end do
                    DerivLambda(j, i) = DerivLambda(i, j)
                end do
            end do
            do i = 1, NoOrbs
                DerivLambda(i, i) = DerivLambda(i, i) - 1.0_dp
            end do
        end if

        call halt_timer(FindtheForce_Time)

    end subroutine FindTheForce