FreezeUMatCache Subroutine

public subroutine FreezeUMatCache(OrbTrans, nOld, nNew)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer :: OrbTrans(nOld)
integer :: nOld
integer :: nNew


Source Code

Source Code

    SUBROUTINE FreezeUMatCache(OrbTrans, nOld, nNew)
        ! We're in the middle of freezing some orbitals.
        ! OrbTrans(i) will give us the new position of the old orbital i.
        INTEGER nOld, nNew, OrbTrans(nOld)
        INTEGER onSlots, onPairs
        if (nNew / 2 /= nStates .OR. tSmallUMat) THEN
            write(stdout, *) "Reordering UMatCache for freezing"
            onSlots = nSlots
            onPairs = nPairs
            CALL FreezeUMatCacheInt(OrbTrans, nOld, nNew, onSlots, onPairs)
            write(stdout, *) "UMatCache size not changing.  Not reordering."
        end if
    END SUBROUTINE FreezeUMatCache