GAS_doubles_PCHB_spinorb_init Subroutine

private subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_spinorb_init(this, GAS_spec, use_lookup, create_lookup, PCHB_particle_selection)

initalises the spinorb-resolved PCHB doubles excitation generator

more specifically, sets up a lookup table for ab -> (a,b) and sets up the alias table for picking ab given ij with prob ~ Hijab

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpinOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t), intent(inout) :: this
class(GASSpec_t), intent(in) :: GAS_spec
logical, intent(in) :: use_lookup
logical, intent(in) :: create_lookup
type(PCHB_ParticleSelection_t), intent(in) :: PCHB_particle_selection


Source Code

    subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_spinorb_init(this, GAS_spec, use_lookup, &
                            create_lookup, PCHB_particle_selection)
        !! initalises the spinorb-resolved PCHB doubles excitation generator
        !! more specifically, sets up a lookup table for ab -> (a,b) and
        !! sets up the alias table for picking ab given ij with prob ~ Hijab
        class(GAS_PCHB_DoublesSpinOrbFastWeightedExcGenerator_t), intent(inout) :: this
        class(GASSpec_t), intent(in) :: GAS_spec
        logical, intent(in) :: use_lookup, create_lookup
        type(PCHB_ParticleSelection_t), intent(in) :: PCHB_particle_selection
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'GAS_doubles_PCHB_spinorb_init'

        integer :: AB, A, B, abMax, nBI

        this%GAS_spec = GAS_spec
        allocate(this%indexer, source=SuperGroupIndexer_t(GAS_spec, nEl))
        this%create_lookup = create_lookup
        this%use_lookup = use_lookup

        if (this%create_lookup) then
            if (associated(lookup_supergroup_indexer)) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, 'Someone else is already managing the supergroup lookup.')
                write(stdout, *) 'GAS PCHB (spinorb) doubles is creating and managing the supergroup lookup'
                lookup_supergroup_indexer => this%indexer
            end if
        end if
        if (this%use_lookup) write(stdout, *) 'GAS PCHB doubles is using the supergroup lookup'

        write(stdout, *) "Allocating PCHB excitation generator objects"
        ! number of *spin* orbs
        nBI = this%GAS_spec%n_spin_orbs()
        ! initialize the mapping ab -> (a, b)
        abMax = fuseIndex(nBI, nBI)
        allocate(this%tgtOrbs(2, 0:abMax), source=0)
        do A = 1, nBI
            do B = 1, A
                AB = fuseIndex(A, B)
                ! b comes first as this is an ordered list
                this%tgtOrbs(1, AB) = B
                this%tgtOrbs(2, AB) = A
            end do
        end do

        ! set up the alias table
        call this%compute_samplers(nBI, PCHB_particle_selection)

        write(stdout, *) "Finished excitation generator initialization"

    end subroutine GAS_doubles_PCHB_spinorb_init