Type | Intent | Optional | Attributes | Name | ||
class(GAS_singles_PC_uniform_ExcGenerator_t), | intent(inout) | :: | this | |||
class(GASSpec_t), | intent(in) | :: | GAS_spec | |||
logical, | intent(in) | :: | use_lookup | |||
logical, | intent(in) | :: | create_lookup |
subroutine GAS_singles_uniform_init(this, GAS_spec, use_lookup, create_lookup)
class(GAS_singles_PC_uniform_ExcGenerator_t), intent(inout) :: this
class(GASSpec_t), intent(in) :: GAS_spec
logical, intent(in) :: use_lookup, create_lookup
integer, allocatable :: supergroups(:, :)
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'GAS_singles_uniform_init'
integer :: i_sg, src, tgt
this%GAS_spec = GAS_spec
allocate(this%indexer, source=SuperGroupIndexer_t(GAS_spec, nEl))
this%create_lookup = create_lookup
if (create_lookup) then
if (associated(lookup_supergroup_indexer)) then
call stop_all(this_routine, 'Someone else is already managing the supergroup lookup.')
write(stdout, *) 'GAS singles is creating and managing the supergroup lookup'
lookup_supergroup_indexer => this%indexer
end if
end if
this%use_lookup = use_lookup
if (use_lookup) write(stdout, *) 'GAS singles is using the supergroup lookup'
! possible supergroups
supergroups = this%indexer%get_supergroups()
allocate(this%allowed_holes(0 : nIfD, this%GAS_spec%n_spin_orbs(), size(supergroups, 2)), source=0_n_int)
! Find for each supergroup (i_sg)
! the allowed holes `tgt` for a given `src`.
do i_sg = 1, size(supergroups, 2)
! Note that the loop cannot take a symmetric shape.
! It may be, that (1 -> 5) is allowed, but (5 -> 1) is not.
do src = 1, this%GAS_spec%n_spin_orbs()
do tgt = 1, this%GAS_spec%n_spin_orbs()
if (src == tgt) cycle
associate(exc => Excite_1_t(src, tgt))
if (spin_allowed(exc) &
.and. this%GAS_spec%is_allowed(exc, supergroups(:, i_sg)) &
.and. symmetry_allowed(exc)) then
call my_set_orb(this%allowed_holes(:, src, i_sg), tgt)
end if
end associate
end do
end do
end do
! Ugly Fortran syntax rules forces us to not use the macro.
! Even associate would not help here
pure subroutine my_set_orb(ilut, orb)
integer(n_int), intent(inout) :: ilut(0 : nIfD)
integer, intent(in) :: orb
set_orb(ilut, orb)
end subroutine
! For single excitations it is simple
logical pure function symmetry_allowed(exc)
use SymExcitDataMod, only: SpinOrbSymLabel
type(Excite_1_t), intent(in) :: exc
symmetry_allowed = SpinOrbSymLabel(exc%val(1, 1)) == SpinOrbSymLabel(exc%val(2, 1))
end function
end subroutine GAS_singles_uniform_init