subroutine gen_cum_list_guga_single_1(nI, csf_i, orb_i, cc_i, cum_arr)
! specific single orbital picker if stepvector of electron (i) is 1
integer, intent(in) :: nI(nel)
type(CSF_Info_t), intent(in) :: csf_i
integer, intent(in) :: orb_i, cc_i
real(dp), intent(out) :: cum_arr(OrbClassCount(cc_i))
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "gen_cum_list_guga_single_1"
integer :: nOrb, i, label_index, j, n_id(nEl), id_i, &
lower, upper, s_orb, spin
real(dp) :: cum_sum, hel
! if d(i) = 1 -> i can only pick d(a) = 1 if there is a switch possib
! d(j) = 2 inbetween! -> include that in cummulative probabilities!
! still not quite sure how to effectively include that...
nOrb = OrbClassCount(cc_i)
label_index = SymLabelCounts2(1, cc_i)
n_id = gtID(nI)
id_i = gtID(orb_i)
cum_sum = 0.0_dp
! do some precalcing here to determine, which orbitals to exclude due
! to GUGA restrictions?..
call find_switches(csf_i, id_i, lower, upper)
if (is_beta(orb_i)) then
spin = 1
spin = 0
end if
do i = 1, nOrb
s_orb = sym_label_list_spat(label_index + i - 1)
if (s_orb == id_i) then
cum_arr(i) = cum_sum
end if
hel = 0.0_dp
select case (csf_i%stepvector(s_orb))
! include here the guga restrictions...
case (0)
! no restrictions if 0 since both branches allowed
! single particle matrix element:
hel = hel + abs(GetTMatEl(orb_i, 2 * s_orb - spin))
! do the loop over all the other electrons
! (is this always symmetrie allowed?..)
! i know both occupation numbers! of start and end!
! -> calc. the specific U(i,i,j,i)n(i) and U(i,j,j,j)n(j)
! specifically
! in case d=0 -> no influence for WR_(s_orb) and WL^(s_orb)
! and it can only be one of those
! also n(id_i) = 1 which is also 0 -> so exclude this from
! loop below
! if depending on the type of generator
! either the topCont sign (if L)
! or botCont sign (if R)
! is unknown! -> so for every k < st if R
! or k > en if L the sign of the two-particle matrix
! elements is unkown! and has to be added in terms of
! absolute value!
! problem is, if i do not know, all the signs correctly i
! have to add up all matrix element contributions with
! there absolute value.. otherwise the order of summing
! influences the result, and thus cannot be true!
! "good" thing is, i do not need to consider, so many
! different possibilities
if (.not. t_mixed_hubbard) then
do j = 1, nEl
! todo: finish all contributions later for now only do
! those which are the same for all
! exclude initial orbital, since this case gets
! contributed already outside of loop over electrons!
! but only spin-orbital or spatial??
if (n_id(j) == id_i) cycle
hel = hel + abs(get_umat_el(id_i, n_id(j), s_orb, n_id(j)))
! now depending on generator and relation of j to
! st and en -> i know sign or don't
hel = hel + abs(get_umat_el(id_i, n_id(j), n_id(j), s_orb))
end do
end if
case (1)
! here i have to somehow find out if there is a
! (2) between s_orb and id_i
! how to do that?
! could also use the loop over nEl to check if there
! is a switch between (i) and (a) -> and set matrix
! element to 0 otherwise... -> would make effor O(n) again
if (s_orb < lower .or. s_orb > upper) then
! only allowed if possible switch
hel = hel + abs(GetTMatEl(orb_i, 2 * s_orb - spin))
! also need the weight contribution at start
if (.not. t_mixed_hubbard) then
hel = hel + abs(get_umat_el(id_i, s_orb, s_orb, s_orb))
! do the loop over all the other electrons
! (is this always symmetrie allowed?..)
do j = 1, nEl
! todo: finish all contributions later for now only do
! those which are the same for all
if (n_id(j) == id_i .or. n_id(j) == s_orb) cycle
hel = hel + abs(get_umat_el(id_i, n_id(j), s_orb, n_id(j)))
hel = hel + abs(get_umat_el(id_i, n_id(j), n_id(j), s_orb))
end do
end if
end if
case (2)
! no restrictions for 2 -> 1 excitations
hel = hel + abs(GetTMatEl(orb_i, 2 * s_orb - spin))
! do the loop over all the other electrons
! (is this always symmetrie allowed?..)
if (.not. t_mixed_hubbard) then
hel = hel + abs(get_umat_el(id_i, s_orb, s_orb, s_orb))
do j = 1, nEl
! todo: finish all contributions later for now only do
! those which are the same for all
if (n_id(j) == id_i .or. n_id(j) == s_orb) cycle
hel = hel + abs(get_umat_el(id_i, n_id(j), s_orb, n_id(j)))
hel = hel + abs(get_umat_el(id_i, n_id(j), n_id(j), s_orb))
end do
end if
case (3)
! do nothing in this case!
case default
! should not be here!
call stop_all(this_routine, "stepvalue /= {0,1,2,3}! something is wrong!")
end select
cum_sum = cum_sum + abs_l1(hel)
cum_arr(i) = cum_sum
end do
end subroutine gen_cum_list_guga_single_1