gen_next_single_ex Subroutine

public subroutine gen_next_single_ex(string_i, ilut_i, nras1, nras3, ind, par, ex, ras, classes, gen_store, tgen, tcount)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: string_i(tot_nelec)
integer(kind=n_int), intent(in) :: ilut_i(0:NIfD)
integer, intent(in) :: nras1
integer, intent(in) :: nras3
integer, intent(out) :: ind
integer, intent(out) :: par
integer, intent(out) :: ex(2)
type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: classes(ras%num_classes)
type(simple_excit_store), intent(inout), target :: gen_store
logical, intent(inout) :: tgen
logical, intent(in) :: tcount


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine gen_next_single_ex(string_i, ilut_i, nras1, nras3, ind, par, ex, ras, classes, gen_store, tgen, tcount)

        ! Generate the next single excitation (within the RAS space - we don't need to consider
        ! excitations to outside it) and also return the associated parity and the class and
        ! address of the created string. If tcount is true then the routine is only being used
        ! to count the excitation, so these are not returned in this case.

        integer, intent(in) :: string_i(tot_nelec)
        integer(n_int), intent(in) :: ilut_i(0:NIfD)
        integer, intent(in) :: nras1, nras3
        integer, intent(out) :: ind, par
        integer, intent(out) :: ex(2)
        type(ras_parameters), intent(in) :: ras
        type(ras_class_data), intent(in) :: classes(ras%num_classes)
        type(simple_excit_store), intent(inout), target :: gen_store
        logical, intent(inout) :: tgen
        logical, intent(in) :: tcount

        integer, pointer :: i, j
        integer :: orb1, orb2, temp1, temp3, class_k, m
        integer :: string_k(tot_nelec)

        ! Map the local variables onto the store.
        i => gen_store%i;
        j => gen_store%j

        ! Initialise the generator.
        if (tgen) then
            i = 1
            j = 0
            tgen = .false.
        end if

        ! Find the next possible single excitation. Loop over electrons and vacant orbitals.
        ! Interrupt loop when we find what we need.
        do i = i, tot_nelec

            orb1 = string_i(i)

            j = j + 1
            do j = j, tot_norbs

                orb2 = j

                ! Cannot excite to an occupied orbital, unless it is the orbital that we are
                ! exciting from.
                if (IsOcc(ilut_i, orb2) .and. (string_i(i) /= j)) cycle

                ex(1) = string_i(i)
                ex(2) = j

                temp1 = nras1
                temp3 = nras3

                ! Store the values of nras1 and nras3 for the new string.
                if (ex(1) <= ras%size_1) then
                    temp1 = temp1 - 1
                else if (ex(1) > ras%size_1 + ras%size_2) then
                    temp3 = temp3 - 1
                end if

                if (ex(2) <= ras%size_1) then
                    temp1 = temp1 + 1
                else if (ex(2) > ras%size_1 + ras%size_2) then
                    temp3 = temp3 + 1
                end if

                ! We don't have to consider excitations to outside the ras space.
                if (.not. class_allowed(ras, temp1, temp3)) cycle

                ! If we get to this point then (orb1, orb2) is a valid excitation. As an
                ! optimisation, if we are only counting the excitations then return now.
                if (tcount) return

                ! Encode new string.
                string_k = string_i
                string_k(i) = j
                call sort(string_k)

                class_k = ras%class_label(temp1, temp3)
                ind = classes(class_k)%address_map(get_address(classes(class_k), string_k))
                do m = 1, class_k - 1
                    ind = ind + classes(m)%class_size
                end do
                par = get_single_parity(ilut_i, ex(1), ex(2))

            end do
            j = 0 ! Reset loop.
        end do

        tgen = .true.

    end subroutine gen_next_single_ex