subroutine generate_space_from_file(filename, ilut_list, space_size)
! In: filename - Name of file to read for determinants.
! In/Out: ilut_list - List of determinants generated.
! In/Out: space_size - Number of determinants in the generated space.
! If ilut_list is not empty on input and you want to keep
! the states already in it, then on input space_size should
! be equal to the number of states to be kept in ilut_list,
! and new states will be added in from space_size+1.
! Otherwise, space_size must equal 0 on input.
! On output space_size will equal the total number of
! generated plus what space_size was on input.
character(255), intent(in) :: filename
integer(n_int), intent(inout) :: ilut_list(0:, :)
integer, intent(inout) :: space_size
integer :: iunit, stat
integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfTot), ilut_tmp(0:NIfTot)
logical :: does_exist
inquire (file=trim(filename), exist=does_exist)
if (.not. does_exist) call stop_all("generate_space_from_file", &
"No "//trim(filename)//" file detected.")
iunit = get_free_unit()
open(iunit, file=trim(filename), status='old')
ilut = 0_n_int
ilut_tmp = 0_n_int
read(iunit, *, iostat=stat) ilut(0:nifd)
! If the end of the file.
if (stat < 0) exit
! If this determinant isn't the correct determinant for the time
! reversal symmetry, then try the spin-flipped version.
if (tHPHF) then
if (.not. IsAllowedHPHF(ilut(0:NIfD))) then
call spin_sym_ilut(ilut(0:NIfD), ilut_tmp(0:NIfD))
if (.not. IsAllowedHPHF(ilut_tmp(0:NIfD))) then
ilut(0:NIfD) = ilut_tmp(0:NIfD)
end if
end if
end if
call add_state_to_space(ilut, ilut_list, space_size)
end do
end subroutine generate_space_from_file