pure subroutine get_bit_excitmat(ilutI, iLutJ, ex, IC)
! Obatin the excitation matrix between two determinants from their bit
! representation without calculating tSign --> a bit quicker.
! In: iLutI, iLutJ - Bit representations of determinants I,J
! InOut: IC - Specify max IC before bailing, and return
! number of orbital I,J differ by
! Out: ex - Excitation matrix between I,J
integer(n_int), intent(in) :: iLutI(0:NIfD), iLutJ(0:NIfD)
integer, intent(inout) :: IC
integer, intent(out) :: ex(2, IC)
integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:NIfD, 2)
integer :: pos(2), max_ic, i, j, k
! Obtain bit representations of I,J containing only unique orbitals
ilut(:, 1) = ieor(ilutI, ilutJ)
ilut(:, 2) = iand(ilutJ, ilut(:, 1))
ilut(:, 1) = iand(ilutI, ilut(:, 1))
max_ic = IC
pos = 0
IC = 0
do i = 0, NIfD
do j = 0, bits_n_int - 1
do k = 1, 2
if (pos(k) < max_ic) then
if (btest(ilut(i, k), j)) then
pos(k) = pos(k) + 1
IC = max(IC, pos(k))
ex(k, pos(k)) = bits_n_int * i + j + 1
end if
end if
end do
if (pos(1) >= max_ic .and. pos(2) >= max_ic) return
end do
end do
end subroutine get_bit_excitmat