function get_cumulative_list_Excite_2_t (GAS_list, nI, incomplete_exc) result(cSum)
integer, intent(in) :: GAS_list(:), nI(nel)
type(Excite_2_t), intent(in) :: incomplete_exc
real(dp) :: cSum(size(GAS_list))
character(*), parameter :: this_routine = 'get_cumulative_list_Excite_2_t'
real(dp) :: previous
type(Excite_2_t) :: exc
integer :: i, nOrbs
nOrbs = size(GAS_list)
exc = incomplete_exc
ASSERT(get_last_tgt(exc) == UNKNOWN)
! build the cumulative list of matrix elements <src|H|tgt>
previous = 0.0_dp
do i = 1, nOrbs
call set_last_tgt(exc, GAS_list(i))
cSum(i) = get_mat_element(nI, exc) + previous
previous = cSum(i)
end do
! Normalize
if (near_zero(cSum(nOrbs))) then
cSum(:) = 0.0_dp
cSum(:) = cSum(:) / cSum(nOrbs)
end if
end function get_cumulative_list_Excite_2_t