get_guga_integral_contrib Function

public function get_guga_integral_contrib(occ_orbs, orb_a, orb_b) result(cpt)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: occ_orbs(2)
integer, intent(in) :: orb_a
integer, intent(in) :: orb_b

Return Value real(kind=dp)


Source Code

    function get_guga_integral_contrib(occ_orbs, orb_a, orb_b) result(cpt)
        ! routine which gets the correct FCIDUMP integral contribution for
        ! orbital a, where electrons i and j are already picked!
        ! have to still figure out how to do that correctly..
        integer, intent(in) :: occ_orbs(2), orb_a, orb_b
        real(dp) :: cpt
        integer :: ind(2)

        ind = gtID(occ_orbs)

        ! ATTENTION! occ_orbs is given in spin orbitals, while orb is a
        ! spatial orbital!

        ! for now, since i dont know how to correctly do it, and for testing
        ! purposes just add a uniformly factor to all of the orbitals.

        ! do a input dependent switch to compare influence on the pgens..
        if (tGen_guga_weighted) then

            if (orb_b < 0) then

                cpt = sqrt(abs_l1(UMat2D(max(ind(1), orb_a), min(ind(1), orb_a)))) &
                      + sqrt(abs_l1(UMat2D(max(ind(2), orb_a), min(ind(2), orb_a))))

                cpt = sqrt(abs(get_umat_el(ind(1), ind(2), orb_a, orb_b)) &
                           + abs(get_umat_el(ind(1), ind(2), orb_b, orb_a)))

            end if


            if (orb_b < 0) then

                cpt = 1.0_dp


                cpt = sqrt(abs(get_umat_el(ind(1), ind(2), orb_a, orb_b)) + &
                           abs(get_umat_el(ind(1), ind(2), orb_b, orb_a)))

            end if
        end if

    end function get_guga_integral_contrib