function get_lmat_el(a, b, c, i, j, k) result(matel)
! Input: a,b,c - indices of orbitals to excite to
! i,j,k - indices of orbitals to excite from
! Output: matel - matrix element of this excitation, including all exchange terms
use UMatCache, only: gtID
use SystemData, only: t_exclude_pure_parallel
! Gets an entry of the 3-body tensor L:
! L_{abc}^{ijk} - triple excitation from abc to ijk
integer, value :: a, b, c
integer, value :: i, j, k
HElement_t(dp) :: matel
integer(int64) :: ida, idb, idc, idi, idj, idk
! initialize spin-correlator check: if all spins are the same, use LMat
! without spin-dependent correlator, always use LMat
matel = h_cast(0.0_dp)
if (t_exclude_pure_parallel) then
if ( (G1(a)%ms == G1(b)%ms .and. G1(a)%ms == G1(c)%ms) &
.or. (G1(i)%ms == G1(j)%ms .and. G1(i)%ms == G1(k)%ms)) then
end if
end if
! convert to spatial orbs if required
ida = gtID(a)
idb = gtID(b)
idc = gtID(c)
idi = gtID(i)
idj = gtID(j)
idk = gtID(k)
! only add the contribution if the spins match
! here, we add up all the exchange terms
call addMatelContribution(i, j, k, idi, idj, idk, 1)
call addMatelContribution(j, k, i, idj, idk, idi, 1)
call addMatelContribution(k, i, j, idk, idi, idj, 1)
call addMatelContribution(j, i, k, idj, idi, idk, -1)
call addMatelContribution(i, k, j, idi, idk, idj, -1)
call addMatelContribution(k, j, i, idk, idj, idi, -1)
subroutine addMatelContribution(p, q, r, idp, idq, idr, sgn)
! get a single entry of the LMat array and add it to the matrix element
integer(int64), value :: idp, idq, idr
integer, value :: p, q, r
integer, intent(in) :: sgn
integer(int64) :: index
integer :: spinPos
class(lMat_t), pointer :: lMatPtr
real(dp) :: lMatVal
! integer(int64) :: ai,bj,ck
if (G1(p)%ms == G1(a)%ms .and. G1(q)%ms == G1(b)%ms .and. G1(r)%ms == G1(c)%ms) then
if (tContact) then
lMatVal = get_lmat_ueg(ida, idb, idc, idp, idq, idr)
else if (tLMatCalc .or. t_rs_factors) then
lMatVal = lMatCalc(ida, idb, idc, idp, idq, idr)
! the indexing function is contained in the lMat object
index = lMat%indexFunc(ida, idb, idc, idp, idq, idr)
lMatVal = real(lMat%get_elem(index), dp)
end if
matel = matel + sgn * lMatVal
end if
end subroutine addMatelContribution
end function get_lmat_el