function get_orb_from_kpoints(orbi, orbj, orba) result(orbb)
! write a cleaner implementation of this multiple used
! functionality.. because kPointToBasisFn to basisfunction
! promises more than it actually odes
integer, intent(in) :: orbi, orbj, orba
integer :: orbb
integer :: ki(3), kj(3), ka(3), kb(3), ispn, spnb
ki = G1(orbi)%k
kj = G1(orbj)%k
! Given A, calculate B in the same way as before
ka = G1(orba)%k
kb = ki + kj - ka
ispn = get_ispn([orbi, orbj])
if (iSpn == 1) then
spnb = 1
else if (iSpn == 2) then
! w.d: bug found by peter jeszenski and confirmed by
! simon!
! i do not think this is so much more efficient than an
! additional if-statement which is way more clear!
! messed up alpa and beta spin here..
! spnb = (-G1(orba)%Ms + 1)/2 + 1
! spnb = (G1(orba)%Ms)/2 + 1
if (is_beta(orba)) then
spnb = 2
spnb = 1
end if
else if (iSpn == 3) then
spnb = 2
end if
! damn.. for some reason this is different treated in the
! hubbard and UEG case..
! i turn off the thub flag in my new implementation, so this is
! never actually reached below.. i should change that
if (t_k_space_hubbard) then
orbb = lat%get_orb_from_k_vec(kb, spnb)
end if
! this now distinguishes between UEG and hubbard models.
if (tHub) then
call mompbcsym(kb, nbasismax)
end if
orbb = KPointToBasisFn(kb(1), kb(2), kb(3), spnb)
end function get_orb_from_kpoints