get_tot_parts Function

public function get_tot_parts() result(allWalkersSummed)



Return Value real(kind=dp), (lenof_sign)


Source Code

Source Code

    function get_tot_parts() result(allWalkersSummed)
        ! if the second RK step is to be compared, the reference has to be reset
        ! -> recount the TotParts from the restored data
        implicit none
        integer(int64) :: i
        real(dp) :: CurrentSign(lenof_sign)
        real(dp) :: allWalkersSummed(lenof_sign)
        allWalkersSummed = 0.0_dp
        do i = 1, TotWalkers
            call extract_sign(CurrentDets(:, i), CurrentSign)
            allWalkersSummed = allWalkersSummed + abs(CurrentSign)
        end do
        if (tStabilizerShift) then
            do i = 1, inum_runs
                TotPartsPeak(i) = max(allWalkersSummed(min_part_type(i)) + &
                                      allWalkersSummed(max_part_type(i)), TotPartsPeak(i))
            end do
        end if
    end function get_tot_parts