subroutine get_unique_filename(stem, tincrement, tnext, istart, filename, &
! Find a filename which is either the "newest" or the next to be used.
! The filename is assumed to be stem.x, where x is an integer.
! In:
! stem: stem of the filename.
! tincrement: the filename is given as stem.x if true, otherwise the
! filename is simply set to be equal to stem.
! tnext: the next unused filename is found if true, else the
! filename is set to be stem.x where stem.x exists and stem.x+1
! doesn't and x is greater than istart
! istart: the integer of the first x value to check.
! If istart is negative, then the filename is set to be stem.x,
! where x = |istart+1|. This overrides everything else.
! ext: The file extension. Appended after the numbers.
! Out:
! filename.
character(*), intent(in) :: stem
logical, intent(in) :: tincrement, tnext
integer, intent(in) :: istart
character(*), intent(out) :: filename
character(*), intent(in), optional :: ext
integer :: i
logical :: exists
if(tincrement) then
i = istart
exists = .true.
do while(exists)
call append_ext(stem, i, filename)
if(present(ext)) filename = trim(filename)//ext
inquire(file=filename, exist=exists)
i = i + 1
end do
if(.not. tnext) then
! actually want the last file which existed.
! this will return stem.istart if stem.istart doesn't exist.
i = max(istart, i - 2)
call append_ext(stem, i, filename)
if(present(ext)) filename = trim(filename)//ext
end if
filename = stem
if(present(ext)) filename = trim(filename)//ext
end if
if(.not. tnext) then
inquire(file=filename, exist=exists)
if(.not. exists) then
inquire(file=stem, exist=exists)
if(exists) then
filename = stem
if(present(ext)) filename = trim(filename)//ext
end if
end if
if(istart < 0) then
call append_ext(stem, abs(i + 1), filename)
if(present(ext)) filename = trim(filename)//ext
end if
end subroutine get_unique_filename