getMinus_overlapLowering Function

private function getMinus_overlapLowering(nSwitches, bVal, dat) result(minusWeight)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: nSwitches
real(kind=dp), intent(in) :: bVal
type(WeightData_t), intent(in) :: dat

Return Value real(kind=dp)


Source Code

    function getMinus_overlapLowering(nSwitches, bVal, dat) result(minusWeight)
        real(dp), intent(in) :: nSwitches, bVal
        type(WeightData_t), intent(in) :: dat
        real(dp) :: minusWeight
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "getMinus_overlapLowering"

        ASSERT(nSwitches >= 0.0_dp)

        ! if at the current spot b is 0, only the -1 branch is technically
        ! possible and the +1 branch always is forbidden. so i essentially
        ! just have to check if the -1 branch has a non-zero weight, and
        ! set the +1 branch to 0 probability
        ! if non-zero, wird die -1 wahrscheinlichkeit dann eh zu eins
        ! normalisiert.
        if (near_zero(bVal)) then
            minusWeight = dat%G * dat%minus + dat%F * (1.0_dp - dat%G) * dat%plus + &
                          nSwitches * (dat%F * dat%plus + dat%G * (1.0_dp - dat%F) * dat%minus)

            minusWeight = dat%G * dat%minus + dat%F * (1.0_dp - dat%G) * dat%plus + &
                          nSwitches / bVal * (dat%F * dat%plus + dat%G * (1.0_dp - dat%F) * dat%minus)

        end if

        ASSERT(minusWeight >= 0.0_dp)

    end function getMinus_overlapLowering