subroutine hubbard_find_tau_from_refdet_conn()
! Routine to find an upper bound to tau, by consideration of the
! singles and doubles connected to the reference determinant
! Obviously, this make assumptions about the possible range of pgen,
! so may actually give a tau that is too SMALL for the latest
! excitation generators, which is exciting!
character(len=*), parameter :: this_routine = "find_tau_from_refdet_conn"
integer :: ex(2, maxExcit), ic, nJ(nel), n_excits, i, ex_3(2, 3)
real(dp) :: nAddFac, MagHel, pGen, pGenFac
logical :: tParity
integer(n_int), allocatable :: det_list(:, :)
real(dp) :: new_tau
! NOTE: test if the new real-space implementation works with this
! function! maybe i also have to use a specific routine for this !
! since it might be necessary in the transcorrelated approach to
! the real-space hubbard
new_tau = huge(new_tau)
nAddFac = MaxWalkerBloom
if (tHPHF) then
call Stop_All(this_routine, &
"not yet implemented with HPHF, since gen_all_excits not atapted to it!")
end if
call gen_all_excits_k_space_hubbard(ProjEDet(:, 1), n_excits, det_list)
! now loop over all of them and determine the worst case H_ij/pgen ratio
do i = 1, n_excits
call decode_bit_det(nJ, det_list(:, i))
! i have to take the right direction in the case of the
! transcorrelated, due to non-hermiticity..
ic = FindBitExcitlevel(det_list(:, i), ilutRef(:, 1))
ASSERT(ic == 2 .or. ic == 3)
if (ic == 2) then
call GetBitExcitation(ilutRef(:, 1), det_list(:, i), ex, tParity)
else if (ic == 3) then
call GetBitExcitation(ilutRef(:, 1), det_list(:, i), ex_3, tParity)
end if
MagHel = abs(get_helement_lattice(nJ, ProjEDet(:, 1)))
! and also get the generation probability
if (t_trans_corr_2body) then
if (t_uniform_excits) then
! i have to setup pDoubles and the other quantities
! before i call this functionality!
pgen = calc_pgen_k_space_hubbard_uniform_transcorr(ex_3, ic)
pgen = calc_pgen_k_space_hubbard_transcorr( &
ProjEDet(:, 1), ilutRef(:, 1), ex_3, ic)
end if
pgen = calc_pgen_k_space_hubbard( &
ProjEDet(:, 1), ilutRef(:, 1), ex, ic)
end if
if (MagHel > EPS) then
pGenFac = pgen * nAddFac / MagHel
new_tau = clamp(&
merge(new_tau, min(pGenFac, new_tau), near_zero(pGenFac)), &
min_tau, max_tau)
end if
end do
if (new_tau > 0.075_dp) then
new_tau = clamp(0.075_dp, min_tau, max_tau)
write(stdout, "(A,F8.5,A)") "Small system. Setting initial timestep to be ", Tau, " although this &
&may be inappropriate. Care needed"
end if
call assign_value_to_tau(new_tau, this_routine)
end subroutine hubbard_find_tau_from_refdet_conn