subroutine init_gdata_io(this, t_aas, t_ms, t_ap, fvals_size_in, max_ratio_size_in, apvals_size_in)
! Initialize a gdata_io_t object. This sets the read/write ranges for buffers
! and the size of required buffers
! Input: t_aas - Is auto adaptive shift data read/written (acc. rates)?
! t_ms - Is scale bloom data read/written (hij/pgen ratios)?
! t_ap - Is accumplated populations data read/written?
! fvals_size - Size of the aas data (only referenced when t_aas is true)
! max_ratio_size - size of the ms data (only referenced when t_ms is true)
! apvals_size - size of the accumlated populations data (only referenced when t_apvals is true)
class(gdata_io_t) :: this
logical, intent(in) :: t_aas, t_ms, t_ap
integer, intent(in) :: fvals_size_in, max_ratio_size_in, apvals_size_in
integer :: fvals_size, max_ratio_size, apvals_size
! how much data is to be read?
this%gdata_size = 0
if (.not. t_aas) then
fvals_size = 0
fvals_size = fvals_size_in
end if
if (.not. t_ms) then
max_ratio_size = 0
max_ratio_size = max_ratio_size_in
end if
if (.not. t_ap) then
apvals_size = 0
apvals_size = apvals_size_in
end if
! set the range of each section
this%fvals_start = 1
this%fvals_end = this%fvals_start + fvals_size - 1
this%gdata_size = this%gdata_size + fvals_size
this%max_ratio_start = this%fvals_start + fvals_size
this%max_ratio_end = this%max_ratio_start + max_ratio_size - 1
this%gdata_size = this%gdata_size + max_ratio_size
this%apvals_start = this%max_ratio_end + max_ratio_size
this%apvals_end = this%apvals_start + apvals_size - 1
this%gdata_size = this%gdata_size + apvals_size
end subroutine init_gdata_io