init_lattice Subroutine

private subroutine init_lattice(this, length_x, length_y, length_z, t_periodic_x, t_periodic_y, t_periodic_z, t_bipartite_order)

Type Bound



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(lattice) :: this
integer, intent(in) :: length_x
integer, intent(in) :: length_y
integer, intent(in) :: length_z
logical, intent(in) :: t_periodic_x
logical, intent(in) :: t_periodic_y
logical, intent(in) :: t_periodic_z
logical, intent(in), optional :: t_bipartite_order


Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine init_lattice(this, length_x, length_y, length_z, &
                            t_periodic_x, t_periodic_y, t_periodic_z, t_bipartite_order)
        ! and write the first dummy initialize
        class(lattice) :: this
        integer, intent(in) :: length_x, length_y, length_z
        logical, intent(in) :: t_periodic_x, t_periodic_y, t_periodic_z
        logical, intent(in), optional :: t_bipartite_order
        character(*), parameter :: this_routine = "init_lattice"

        integer :: n_sites, i
        logical :: t_bipartite_order_
        def_default(t_bipartite_order_, t_bipartite_order, .false.)

        n_sites = this%calc_nsites(length_x, length_y, length_z)

        ! and for the rest i can call general routines:
        call this%set_nsites(n_sites)
        call this%set_periodic(t_periodic_x, t_periodic_y, t_periodic_z)

        select type (this)

            ! well i cannot init type is (lattice) if i choose to make it
            ! abstract. since it is not allowed to ever be intantiated..

        class is (chain)
            ! set some defaults for the chain lattice type
            call this%set_ndim(DIM_CHAIN)

            call this%set_length(length_x, length_y)
            ! if incorrect length input it is caught in the calc_nsites above..
            if (this%get_length() == 1) then
                call this%set_nconnect_max(0)
            else if (this%get_length() == 2 .and. (.not. this%is_periodic())) then
                call this%set_nconnect_max(1)
                call this%set_nconnect_max(N_CONNECT_MAX_CHAIN)
            end if

            this%lat_vec(1, 1) = length_x
            ! the type specific routine deal with the check of the
            ! length!

            ! i should not call this set_nsites since this really should
            ! just imply that it set the variable
            ! introduce a second routine, which first determines the
            ! number of sites depending on the lattice type

            ! how should i define the lattice k_vectors..
            this%k_vec(1, 1) = length_x

            this%t_bipartite_order = t_bipartite_order_

        class is (rectangle)

            call this%set_ndim(DIM_RECT)
            call this%set_length(length_x, length_y)

            if (this%get_length(1) == 2 .and. this%get_length(2) == 2) then
                if (.not. this%is_periodic(1) .and. this%is_periodic(2)) then
                    call this%set_nconnect_max(3)
                else if (.not. this%is_periodic(2) .and. this%is_periodic(1)) then
                    call this%set_nconnect_max(3)
                else if (this%is_periodic()) then
                    call this%set_nconnect_max(4)
                else if (.not. this%is_periodic()) then
                    call this%set_nconnect_max(2)
                end if
                call this%set_nconnect_max(4)
            end if

            this%lat_vec(1, 1) = this%length(1)
            this%lat_vec(2, 2) = this%length(2)

            ! i also need to assign the lattice k-vectors..
            ! and i need to do it correctly..
            this%k_vec(1, 1) = this%length(1)
            this%k_vec(2, 2) = this%length(2)

            this%t_bipartite_order = t_bipartite_order_

        class is (tilted)

            call this%set_ndim(DIM_RECT)
            ! for the tilted we deal internally always with x as the
            ! lower of the two inputs. due to symmetry this does not
            ! make a difference
            ! and do not allow a 1xY or Yx1 lattice, since this implementation
            ! annoys me too much!
            if (length_x == 1 .or. length_y == 1) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "incorrect size for tilted lattice!")
            end if
            call this%set_length(min(length_x, length_y), max(length_x, length_y))
            call this%set_nconnect_max(4)

            this%lat_vec(1:2, 1) = [this%length(1), this%length(1)]
            this%lat_vec(1:2, 2) = [-this%length(2), this%length(2)]

            this%k_vec(1:2, 1) = [this%length(1), this%length(1)]
            this%k_vec(1:2, 2) = [-this%length(2), this%length(2)]

            this%t_bipartite_order = t_bipartite_order_

        class is (ole)
            call this%set_ndim(DIM_RECT)

            if (length_x < 2 .or. length_y < 2 .or. length_x == length_y) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "incorrect size for Oles Cluster")
            end if
            call this%set_length(min(length_x, length_y), max(length_x, length_y))
            call this%set_nconnect_max(4)

            this%lat_vec(1:2, 1) = [this%length(1), this%length(1)]
            this%lat_vec(1:2, 2) = [-this%length(2), this%length(1)]

            this%k_vec(1:2, 1) = [this%length(1), this%length(1)]
            this%k_vec(1:2, 2) = [-this%length(1), this%length(2)]

            if (t_bipartite_order_) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                    "bipartite order not yet implemented for Ole lattice")
            end if

        class is (sujun)
            call this%set_ndim(DIM_RECT)

            if (length_x /= 1 .or. length_y /= 3) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, "incorrect size for Sujun cluster")
            end if

            call this%set_length(1,3)
            call this%set_nconnect_max(4)

            this%lat_vec(1:2, 1) = [1,3]
            this%lat_vec(1:2, 2) = [-3,1]

            ! k-vec todo..

        class is (ext_input)

            call read_lattice_struct(this)

        class is (cube)
            call this%set_ndim(DIM_CUBE)
            call this%set_length(length_x, length_y, length_z)
            call this%set_nconnect_max(6)

            this%lat_vec(1, 1) = this%length(1)
            this%lat_vec(2, 2) = this%length(2)
            this%lat_vec(3, 3) = this%length(3)

            this%k_vec(1, 1) = this%length(1)
            this%k_vec(2, 2) = this%length(2)
            this%k_vec(3, 3) = this%length(3)

            if (t_bipartite_order_) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                    "bipartite order not yet implemented for cubic lattice")
            end if

        class is (triangular)
            call this%set_ndim(DIM_RECT)
            call this%set_length(length_x, length_y)
            ! for a filling with triangles the maximum connection is 6!

            call this%set_nconnect_max(6)

            ! todo: set lattice vector! and figure that out correctly!
            ! and write a more general routine to set the lattice
            ! vectors for all types of lattices!
        class is (hexagonal)

            call this%set_ndim(DIM_RECT)
            call this%set_length(length_x, length_y, length_z)
            call this%set_nconnect_max(3)

        class is (kagome)
            call this%set_ndim(DIM_RECT)
            call this%set_length(length_x, length_y, length_z)
            call this%set_nconnect_max(4)

        class is (star)
            call this%set_ndim(DIM_STAR)
            call this%set_nconnect_max(n_sites - 1)

            ! for the 'star' geometry the special point in the middle
            ! is connected to all the others.. so i need to calc n_sites here.
            ! also check here if something went wrong in the input:
            if (t_periodic_x .or. t_periodic_y) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "incorrect initialization info: requested periodic 'star' geometry!")
            end if

        class is (aim_chain)

            ! do stuff
            call this%set_ndim(DIM_CHAIN)
            call this%set_length(length_x, length_y)
            ! the neighbors is a bit complicated in this case..
            ! although it is a chain.. so it should not have more than
            ! one impurity!
            if (length_x > 1) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "more than 1 impurity taken in tha aim_chain setup!")
            end if
            if (length_y == 1) then
                call this%set_nconnect_max(1)
                call this%set_nconnect_max(N_CONNECT_MAX_CHAIN)
            end if

            ! i can use class specific routine in this block
            call this%set_n_imps(length_x)
            call this%set_n_bath(length_y)


            this%impurity_sites = [(i, i=1, length_x)]
            this%bath_sites = [(length_x + i, i=1, length_y)]

        class is (aim_star)
            ! this is the star with only 1 impurity for now..
            ! i still have to think how to efficiently setup up a
            ! cluster impurity..
            ! i guess i have to decide on a lattice and a ab-initio
            ! cluster impurity! thats good yeah

            call this%set_ndim(DIM_STAR)
            ! number of bath sites is the maximal connectivity
            call this%set_nconnect_max(length_y)

            ! also the one-site impurity can't be periodic!
            if (t_periodic_x .or. t_periodic_y) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "incorrect initialization info: requested periodic 'star' geometry!")
            end if

            if (length_x > 1) then
                call stop_all(this_routine, &
                              "aim_star only implemented for one impurity!")
            end if

            call this%set_n_imps(length_x)
            call this%set_n_bath(length_y)


            this%impurity_sites = [(i, i=1, length_x)]
            this%bath_sites = [(length_x + i, i=1, length_y)]

        class default
            call stop_all(this_routine, "unexpected lattice type!")

        end select
        ! do i want to allocate sites here or in the initializer?
        ! well the specific site initializer will be different for all the
        ! types of lattices.. so best would be to do everything which is
        ! common to all routine here!
        call this%allocate_sites(n_sites)

        call this%initialize_sites()

        ! and fill the lookup table for the site index determination from k vectors
        if (t_k_space_hubbard .or. (t_trans_corr_hop .and. t_new_real_space_hubbard)) then
            call this%initialize_lu_table()
        end if

    end subroutine init_lattice