init_rdm_definitions_t Subroutine

public subroutine init_rdm_definitions_t(rdm_defs, nrdms_standard, nrdms_transition, states_for_transition_rdm, filename)



Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(out) :: rdm_defs
integer, intent(in) :: nrdms_standard
integer, intent(in) :: nrdms_transition
integer, intent(in), allocatable :: states_for_transition_rdm(:,:)
character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: filename


Source Code

    subroutine init_rdm_definitions_t(rdm_defs, nrdms_standard, nrdms_transition, states_for_transition_rdm, filename)

        ! Set up arrays which define which RDMs and tRDMs are being sampled by
        ! specifying which states and FCIQMC simualtions are involved in those
        ! RDMs.

        ! For example, state_labels specifies which states are used to
        ! construct each RDM. sim_labels specifies which FCIQMC simulations
        ! are used to construct each RDM. See the rdm_data module for more
        ! description on the various arrays set up here.

        use rdm_data, only: rdm_definitions_t

        type(rdm_definitions_t), intent(out) :: rdm_defs
        integer, intent(in) :: nrdms_standard, nrdms_transition
        integer, allocatable, intent(in) :: states_for_transition_rdm(:, :) ! (2, nrdms_transition/nreplicas)
        character(*), intent(in), optional :: filename

        integer :: nrdms, irdm, counter

        character(*), parameter :: t_r = "init_rdm_definitions_t"

        nrdms = nrdms_standard + nrdms_transition
        rdm_defs%nrdms = nrdms
        rdm_defs%nrdms_standard = nrdms_standard
        rdm_defs%nrdms_transition = nrdms_transition

        ! state_labels(:,j) will store the labels of the *actual* wave
        ! functions (i.e., which eigenstate is being sampled) contributing to
        ! the j'th RDM.
        allocate(rdm_defs%state_labels(2, nrdms))
        ! The 'standard' (non-transition) RDMs.
        do irdm = 1, nrdms_standard
            rdm_defs%state_labels(1, irdm) = irdm
            rdm_defs%state_labels(2, irdm) = irdm
        end do
        ! The transition RDMs - these were passed in in
        ! states_for_transition_rdm, which in practice is read in from the
        ! input and then passed to this routine.
        if (nrdms_transition > 0) then
            if(allocated(states_for_transition_rdm)) then
                if (nreplicas == 1) then
                    rdm_defs%state_labels(:, nrdms_standard + 1:nrdms_standard + nrdms_transition) = states_for_transition_rdm
                else if (nreplicas == 2) then
                    do irdm = 2, nrdms_transition, 2
                        ! In this case, there are two transition RDMs sampled for
                        ! each one the user requested, because there are two
                        ! combinations of replicas which can be used.
                        rdm_defs%state_labels(:, nrdms_standard + irdm - 1) = states_for_transition_rdm(:, irdm / 2)
                        rdm_defs%state_labels(:, nrdms_standard + irdm) = states_for_transition_rdm(:, irdm / 2)
                    end do
                end if
                call stop_all(t_r, "Attempting to access unallocated array states_for_transition_rdm")
        end if

        ! For transition RDMs, with 2 replicas for each state, there will be 2
        ! copies of each transition RDM. This array simply holds which of the
        ! 2 each RDM is - the first or second repeat.
        do irdm = 1, nrdms_standard
            rdm_defs%repeat_label(irdm) = 1
        end do
        do irdm = 1, nrdms_transition
            rdm_defs%repeat_label(irdm + nrdms_standard) = nreplicas - mod(irdm, nreplicas)
        end do

        ! sim_labels(:,j) will store the labels of the *FCIQMC* wave functions
        ! (i.e. the 'replica' labels) which will be used to sample the j'th RDM
        ! being calculated.
        allocate(rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, nrdms))
        do irdm = 1, nrdms
            if (nreplicas == 1) then
                rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm) = rdm_defs%state_labels(1, irdm)
                rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm) = rdm_defs%state_labels(2, irdm)
            else if (nreplicas == 2) then
                rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm) = rdm_defs%state_labels(1, irdm) * nreplicas - mod(rdm_defs%repeat_label(irdm), 2)
                rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm) = rdm_defs%state_labels(2, irdm) * nreplicas - mod(rdm_defs%repeat_label(irdm) + 1, 2)
            end if
        end do

        allocate(rdm_defs%sim_pairs(nrdms, lenof_sign))
        allocate(rdm_defs%rdm_labels(nrdms, lenof_sign))
        rdm_defs%nrdms_per_sim = 0
        rdm_defs%sim_pairs = 0
        rdm_defs%rdm_labels = 0
        do irdm = 1, nrdms
            ! Count the number of times each replica label is contributing to
            ! an RDM.
            rdm_defs%nrdms_per_sim(rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm)) = rdm_defs%nrdms_per_sim(rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm)) + 1
            ! The number of RDMs which we have currently counted, for this replica.
            counter = rdm_defs%nrdms_per_sim(rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm))
            ! Store which replica is paired with this, for this particular RDM
            ! sampling.
            rdm_defs%sim_pairs(counter, rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm)) = rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm)
            ! Store which RDM this pair of signs contributes to.
            rdm_defs%rdm_labels(counter, rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm)) = irdm

            ! Do the same as above, but now for cases when spawning from the
            ! 'second' replica in the pair, *but only if it is different*.
            if (rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm) /= rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm)) then
                rdm_defs%nrdms_per_sim(rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm)) = &
                    rdm_defs%nrdms_per_sim(rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm)) + 1
                counter = rdm_defs%nrdms_per_sim(rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm))
                rdm_defs%sim_pairs(counter, rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm)) = rdm_defs%sim_labels(2, irdm)
                rdm_defs%rdm_labels(counter, rdm_defs%sim_labels(1, irdm)) = irdm
            end if
        end do

        if (present(filename)) then
            rdm_defs%output_file_prefix = filename
            rdm_defs%output_file_prefix = 'TwoRDM'
        end if

    end subroutine init_rdm_definitions_t