init_symmetry_states Subroutine

public subroutine init_symmetry_states()




Source Code

Source Code

    subroutine init_symmetry_states()
        ! routine to initialize the to be analysed states of the
        ! wavefunction
        integer :: i, n_states
        integer(n_int) :: ilut(0:niftot)
        integer(n_int), allocatable :: largest_walkers(:, :)
        real(dp) :: temp_sign(lenof_sign)

        if (t_read_symmetry_states) then
            ! if we read them in, we have to find it in the walker-list
            ! but only in the 1000 most populated states
            n_states = 1000

            do i = 1, n_symmetry_states
                call EncodeBitDet(symmetry_states(:, i), symmetry_states_ilut(:, i))
            end do

        else if (t_pop_symmetry_states) then
            ! here we have to take the N most occupied from the
            ! wavefunction
            ! otherwise just find the N most populated states
            n_states = n_symmetry_states

        end if

        allocate(largest_walkers(0:niftot, n_states))
        largest_walkers = 0_n_int

        call get_highest_pop(n_states, largest_walkers)

        if (t_read_symmetry_states) then
            call find_states_in_list(n_symmetry_states, symmetry_states, &
                                     largest_walkers, symmetry_weights)

        else if (t_pop_symmetry_states) then

            symmetry_states_ilut = largest_walkers(:, 1:n_symmetry_states)

            do i = 1, n_symmetry_states

                call decode_bit_det(symmetry_states(:, i), largest_walkers(:, i))
                call extract_sign(largest_walkers(:, i), temp_sign)
                symmetry_weights(i) = temp_sign(1)

            end do
        end if

    end Subroutine init_symmetry_states